A BC Ferry approaching across foggy waters

Monthly Stats for Oct 2023

3,027 people made 7,024 pageviews; 83 daily & 726 weekly users; average Campbell River session – 5:21; Podcasts – 6,152 plays

2,195 posts and index pages were accessed on Cortes Currents The aggregate count for How Whaletown got its name (average session 2m) reached 330.

The top 3 posts this monthly, in terms of views, were:

  1. (364 Views) BC Ferries frustrates tourists ​– ​but they’re still lining up to come here – qathet Living (46s)
  2. (231 views) Campbell River to remove tax exemptions from Art Gallery and Mental Health – Cortes Currents (1m 45s)
  3. (189 views) Ann Mortifee: Coming Home To Cortes Island – Cortes Currents (4m 24s)

Cortes Currents – 7,024 PV

Sources of Traffic

  • 2,426 people came through searches on the web, primarily Google
  • 975 people came directly to the website
  • 528 people were referred by a third party site, mostly Tideline
  • 53 people came through social media
  • 22 people are unassigned

Top 6 Nations

Visitors came from 69 nations, the top 6 being:

  1. Canada – 3,253 people, averaging 2m 22s
  2. United States – 356 people, averaging 1m 39s
  3. United Kingdom – 71 people, averaging 43s
  4. Germany – 42 people, averaging 1m
  5. Australia – 27 people, averaging 50s
  6. Hong Kong – 14 people, averaging 3m 37s

Top 4 Canadian Locations

  1. CKTZ’s listening area – 913 people
    • Greater Campbell River (includes Cortes & Quadra Islands) – 556 people, averaging 5m 21s per session
    • Undesignated Rural Area on West Coast – 271 people, averaging 1:25 per session
    • Powell River – 78, averaging 2m 3s
    • Comox – 8 people, averaging 5m 22s
  2. Vancouver – 752 people, averaging 1m 42s per session
  3. Victoria – 134 people, averaging 2m 20s
  4. Toronto – 100 people, averaging 48s

SoundCloud – 6,099 plays

The top 3 podcasts this month, in terms of plays, were:

  1. (52 Plays) Kim Paulley (part 1): Quest for the Ultimate Free Voice – Cortes Currents
  2. (36 Plays) Cortes Fire Department creates wildfire brigade, begins recruiting – CKTZ News
  3. (35 Plays) Kim Paulley (part 2): George Sirk, Cortes Island and the rebirth of her career – Cortes Currents

Top 3 Nations:

  1. Canada – 5,902
  2. United States – 86
  3. Ireland – 18

Top 3 Canadian locations

  1. CKTZ Broadcast area – 5,728 plays
    • Mansons Landing – 5,671,
    • Campbell River – 23 plays;
    • Quathiaski Cove – 19 plays;
    • Comox – 8 plays;
    • Heriot Bay – 5 plays;
    • Powell River – 2 plays
  2. Vancouver – 45 plays
  3. Victoria – 29 plays

Apple Podcasts – 53 Plays

The top 3 were:

  1. (10 Plays) Recent Sightings: Co-existing with wolves on Cortes Island
  2. (9 Plays) Solving Campbell River’s homeless crisis
  3. (7 Plays) The number 1 cause of homelessness

CKTZ 89.5 FM

Listeners on Cortes Island , Quadra, Campbell River and down the Salish Sea coastline to Powell River and Comox. 8 AM & (repeating) 3 PM, Mon to Fri; Saturday Round-up at 1 PM.