A smiling woman wearing a pants suit

‘Your Nation’s Table’ TV series on BC’s sustainable seafood industry nears completion

By Greg Osoba, CKTZ News, through an LJI grant from Canada-info.ca

Your Nation’s Table TV series on BC’s sustainable seafood industry premiers this fall on Nov. 15.

Producer/host Carmen Ruiz y Laza says shooting has finished on five of the six episodes. She adds that the series highlights  families involved in sustainable fisheries harvesting salmon, albacore tuna, spot prawns, geoduck, sable fish (also known as black cod), and dungeness crab. Salmon, spot prawns and geoduck are all harvested in the waters off Cortes Island.

Ruiz y Laza has teamed up with renowned Vancouver chef Robert Clark, who received the Order of Canada as a co-founder of Oceanwise, an organization aimed at helping consumers identify sustainable seafood.

Ruiz y Laza says the series is both a labor of love and a tool for encouraging the public to purchase wild, Canadian seafood.

CKTZ News first spoke with her this spring and recently caught up with her in Vancouver as she was getting ready to head north to Prince Rupert and finish the final shoot which focuses on dungeness crab.

Image credit: Your Nation’s Table producer/host Carmen Ruiz y Laza. Photo by Greg Osoba.