By Roy L Hales
MPOWERD makes solar lanterns, but they are also much more than that. They were founded in response to the Haiti earthquake. So I interviewed the President, Scott Kling, about how MPOWERD lights up people’s lives.
While I was there I heard about the video above, that FCB Garfinkel, in collaboration with the animation company The STUDIO, the composers from Found Objects and MPOWERD™ Inc., creators of the Luci® inflatable solar light, made to showcase the importance of access to energy. In their press release it says:
In total, 1.4 billion people, largely in developing communities, live without access to grid electricity. Across Sub-Saharan Africa, 90 million primary students are without electricity. And, each year, indoor pollution from dirty fuels results in four million deaths. Luci is an easy-to-use, high-quality solar lantern and task light that is lightweight, maintenance-free, safe and waterproof. It is a high-impact and low-footprint resource to increase access to reliable lighting across the globe ….
The video ends with the message “no one’s story should end just because the sun sets” and encourages viewers to give a Luci to households like Kiama’s by visiting
Click on this link to listen to ECO Report’s interview with MPOWERD’s President Scott Kling