Tag Archives: K’omoks First Nation

Blaney asks the name of our riding be changed to ‘North Island – qathet’

It has been more than two months since the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission tabled their report for British Columbia in the House of Commons. Their mandate ‘was to propose new boundaries for federal electoral districts in the province to maximize voter parity while taking into consideration social and geographic factors, including respect for communities of interest or identity.’ Yet the commission has not yet responded to First Nations suggestions that they drop the name ‘Powell’ from North Island – Powell River.”

In response to a request from the Tla’amin First Nation, Rachel Blaney is asking the Electoral Boundary Commission to change the name of our riding to ‘North Island qathet.’ 

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First Nations Wild Salmon Alliance calls DFO a ‘captured regulator’ of the fish farm industry

(Click here to access other presentations taken from the Committee.)

One hundred and two British Columbian First Nations are calling for fish farms to move onto land. The Klahoose, Tla’amin, Homalco and K’omox First Nations are among them. On May 12, Chief Bob Chamberlain, Chair of the First Nations Wild Salmon Alliance, told Parliament’s Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans that DFO is a captured regulator of the fish farm industry 

Chamberlain began by addressing the committee in his native tongue.

This is a transcript of the rest of his opening presentation.

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Hereditary Chiefs flotilla protesting Raza Island fish farm

Editors note: Cortes Currents was notified that this event has been put on hold due to an illness. They plan to reschedule it in the near future.

The Hereditary Chiefs of the Laichkwiltach, We Wai Kai and K’omok First Nations will be taking a protest flotilla to the Raza Island fish farm on Saturday, May 14,2022.

“We three Hereditary Chiefs have jurisdiction and have the right to stewardship over the waters and lands of the Laichwiltach Nation, unceded waters and lands of the Discovery Islands,” wrote Hereditary Chief George Quocksister Jr of the  Laichkwiltach First Nation on his facebook page.

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102 BC First Nations call for fish farms to be transitioned onto land

Representatives of 102 First Nations, from across British Columbia, voiced their support for the transition of open-net pen fish farms out of BC waters.

 The First Nations Wild Salmon Alliance hosted a press conference in Vancouver on Tuesday April 5, 2022.

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The First Nations calling for a renewal of fish farm licenses

Editor’s note: The licenses for 79 fish farms will come up for renewal by the end of June, 2022. If the Department of Fisheries fails to reissue them, there will only be seven farms left in the province. These are all in the Broughton Archipelago and their licenses come up for renewal in 2023. 

On March 21, a group of what was supposedly 17 First Nations supporting the fish farming industry put out a press release. Cortes Currents is not on the First Nations for Finfish Stewardship email list, and at that point had not heard of the group. We subsequently asked Dallas Smith, spokesperson for this coalition, for an interview. When he did not reply, Cortes Currents published a write-up largely based on that original press release. Within hours of posting a link through social media, someone directed Cortes Currents to independent biologist Alexandra Morton’s Facebook page where there was evidence that this group of 17 was at best 12 and more likely 11 First Nations. Since then, the list has grown smaller. 

Continue reading The First Nations calling for a renewal of fish farm licenses