Tag Archives: Kwiakah First Nation

Phasing out Open Net Pen Fish Farming by June 30, 2029

Editor’s note: On June 7, Judge Paul Favel supported the Ministry of Fisheries decision to not renew the licenses of 15 fish farms in the Discovery Islands, and denied a joint application by industry and the Laich-kwil-tach Nation. The seven fish farm sites within traditional territories of the Wei Wai Kum First Nation, We Wai Kai Nation and Kwiakah First Nations (collectively known as the Laich-kwil-tach Nation) and the fish farm at Raza Island, off the northern tip of Cortes Island, remain closed. 

The Government of Canada issued five year licenses to the fish farms still operating in British Columbia, and announced it will ban open net-pen salmon aquaculture in British Columbia coastal waters by June 30, 2029.

“After July 1, 2024, only marine or land-based closed containment systems will be considered for salmon aquaculture licences. The Government of Canada recognizes that such systems are likely to come with increased investment costs. Incentivizing the transition to such systems is desirable given the need to promote wild fish health, reconciliation with coastal First Nations, economic development in rural and coastal communities, food security, and other important public outcomes. As such, the Minister intends to issue nine-year licences to successful applicants applying for closed-containment production.”

Continue reading Phasing out Open Net Pen Fish Farming by June 30, 2029

The Uncertain future of Salmon Farms in British Columbia

The future of fish farms in British Columbia is uncertain. On June 7, Judge Paul Favel supported the Ministry of Fisheries decision to not renew the licenses of 15 fish farms in the Discovery Islands, and denied a joint application by industry and the Laich-kwil-tach Nation for a judicial review. At the end of this month the licenses of the remaining 66 fish farms still operating in this province will expire. 

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SRD acknowledges Kwiakah and Tla’amin First Nations

The Kwiakah and Tla’amin First Nations are now recognized in Strathcona Regional District (SRD) territorial acknowledgements. The SRD added their names in response to strong requests from both nations. A series of motions to this effect were passed at the July 19 SRD Board meeting, in Campbell River.  

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Hereditary Chiefs flotilla protesting Raza Island fish farm

Editors note: Cortes Currents was notified that this event has been put on hold due to an illness. They plan to reschedule it in the near future.

The Hereditary Chiefs of the Laichkwiltach, We Wai Kai and K’omok First Nations will be taking a protest flotilla to the Raza Island fish farm on Saturday, May 14,2022.

“We three Hereditary Chiefs have jurisdiction and have the right to stewardship over the waters and lands of the Laichwiltach Nation, unceded waters and lands of the Discovery Islands,” wrote Hereditary Chief George Quocksister Jr of the  Laichkwiltach First Nation on his facebook page.

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The BC Salmon Farmers Association new ‘independent’ sea lice report 

The opinions that follow belong to the people expressing them and are not necessarily shared by Cortes Radio, its board, staff, producers or listeners.

The BC Salmon Farmers Association has just released what they claim is an independent study of ‘Sea lice in the Discovery Islands.’ 

Their study is filled with terms like – “independent data,” “independently collected data,” “independent professional biological consultants,” “independently collected and analyzed scientific data,” “independent monitoring,” “independent sampling,” and “independent biologists” – but does not say who actually did the research. 

Continue reading The BC Salmon Farmers Association new ‘independent’ sea lice report