Tag Archives: Markets on Cortes

The 10th Annual Holiday Fair at Mansons Hall

The 10th Annual Holiday Fair at Mansons Hall will be from 11 to 3 PM on Sunday December 1, 2024.

“Join us at Manson’s Hall on Sunday, December 1st, from 11am to 3pm for a 10th annual holiday fair.  30 talented vendors will display their finest wares, including gourmet food. handmade crafts, specialty beauty products, natural remedies, unique jewelry, artisan soaps, textiles, beeswax candles, musical instruments, baskets, baked goods, woodwork and handicraft items. The event also features live music and a delightful lunch,” explained Jennifer Pickford, the Hall Manager.

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Changes Coming To The Heart of Mansons Landing

The audio version of this story starts with Michael Keith’s impromptu response to a car horn sounding off during his Friday, July 12, performance in the Village Commons Music Series.  

  • “I don’t want to live in this crazy place, 
  • all the horns are beeping all over the place. 
  • Every time I try to play, I can’t – I hear another horn, 
  • it’s probably someone shopping for corn.” 

There have been a lot of changes in what Manda Aufochs Gillespie calls the heart of ‘Mansons Landing.’ The big tent where Michael played has been moved  beside the Mansons Hall parking lot for the summer. Cortes Currents did not check to see if  Reef Point Farm is already selling corn at the Friday Market, but Sara Stewart was there. Her stall was involved in the realignment which now connects the Market with the Village Commons.

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Bringing “Six Strings and Beyond” To The Radio

Michael Keith has been a professional musician for over 35 years, and lately people have been asking him to share some of his expertise on the radio. He finally launched ‘Six Strings And Beyond’ on Tuesday June 18th. 

“The idea of the programs is based on guitar, which is my area of expertise: guitar, guitarists, and guitar like instruments from around the world. So, plucked string instruments – a number of which I’ve studied privately over the years. I’m an  amateur ethnomusicologist,” he explained.

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Seeking input to identify Cortes Island’s Vital Signs

It has been two days since Isabella McKnight sent the word out. The Cortes Island Community Foundation was only a third of the way to collecting the 300 signatures needed for the  Vital Signs community survey! 

“Vital Signs is a program supported by the Community Foundations of Canada. It’s  more than just a survey. It’s a powerful tool designed to illuminate the areas where our community thrives and also identify the aspects that need our collective attention and effort. So by participating, you’re contributing to a richer understanding of Cortes, explained  McKnight, Executive Administrator of the Cortes Island Community Foundation.

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Summer Markets at Hollyhock

The summer market season begins on Wednesday June 26th, from 12:30-3:00 PM.

“We’re having our first artisans market at Hollyhock,  just outside the garden and the lodge in the grassy area above the hot tubs. This is our first in a series of  five or six markets that are happening  every second Wednesday afternoon over the summer.  We have a variety of artists, fiber artists, ceramicists, lotions, potion makers, clothing makers, painters and live music,” explained Tamlyn Collingwoood, Business Mentorship Coordinator for the Cortes Community Economic Development Association (CCEDA). “Come and check it out, everyone’s welcome.”

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