Tag Archives: Quadra Island Foundation

Preparations for Quadra Island’s First Vital Signs Report

In previous years, bits of Quadra and Cortes Island data have been incorporated in Campbell River’s Vital Signs Reports. This is the first year that both islands are collecting their own data. Cortes has already published its 2024 Vital Signs Report. The Quadra Island Foundation is about to start accumulating the baseline data that will enable it to produce a report for Quadra and the rest of Area C.

Jody Rodgers, Chair of the Quadra Island Foundation:  “Vital Signs  empowers organizations for tailoring their initiatives so they can work on things to improve, and also not spin their wheels on things that are already good.  It also really gives them the hard data to apply for grants more effectively.” 

“I think that it allows us to gain perspective on the differences in spending needs of organizations.   Vital Signs  is a vehicle for organizations to measure their effectiveness or lack thereof, according to certain benchmarks.” 

Continue reading Preparations for Quadra Island’s First Vital Signs Report

$110,000 in funding — What the Quadra Island Foundation Accomplished

The Quadra Island Foundation (QIF) recently distributed $110,000 to four non-profit organizations. In today’s interview the foundation’s Vice Chair, Marc Doll, explains the rationale behind those choices and a little of what he expects the money to accomplish. 

Marc Doll: “There was this recognition of how much this province uses and depends on nonprofits. So the government of British Columbia put together a pool of $25 million, which went to Vancouver Foundation. From the Vancouver Foundation, it trickled down to foundations like the Quadra Foundation, Cortes Island Community Foundation and Campbell River Foundation.  It was administered at the local level by local foundations, but from a pool of money that came from the British Columbia government.” 

“We advertised – online through local media, press releases etc – to indicate that we had this fund of $110,000 to distribute locally. We were almost triple subscribed, we had about $300,000 in total applications.” 

Continue reading $110,000 in funding — What the Quadra Island Foundation Accomplished

How the Cortes Foundation Dispersed $105,000 to help Reduce Poverty

The Cortes Island Community Foundation recently announced that it is giving $105,000 to four of Cortes Island’s essential non-profit organizations. The Cortes Island Food Bank will receive $40,000, Whaletown Community Club – $22,000, Island Death Care Society – $26,400 and  Support Our Seniors – $16,600. This money came from the BC Government’s Community Prosperity Fund, which is intended to help local communities address poverty reduction and social inclusion. In today’s interview Christina MacWilliam, Co-Chair of the Community Foundation and a member of the granting jury, and Andrea Fisher, Operations Manager of the Foundation, tell us the story behind this grant and why these four organizations were chosen. 

Continue reading How the Cortes Foundation Dispersed $105,000 to help Reduce Poverty

Debate On proposed SRD Grant In Aid Policy  continues

The Strathcona Regional District is considering a Grant in Aid policy which would funnel all applications through staff. According to Gerald Whalley, who has been a Regional Director since the SRD was formed in 2008, this is the third time the idea of a policy has come up. After an intense debate, the proposal has been forwarded to the Electoral Areas Services Committee and Municipal Services Committee for further discussion. 

Continue reading Debate On proposed SRD Grant In Aid Policy  continues

MLA Michele Babchuk visits Cortes Island

MLA Michele Babchuk was on Cortes Island for a few days last week. She spoke to Cortes Currents after meeting with some of the island’s non-profits in the Village Commons. This was the third time she’s visited the island since she was elected in 2020. 

“I’m hearing that Cortes actually has a lot of capacity and we’ve known that for a long time. There’s a lot of not for profit groups here. A lot of them are feeling extremely underfunded,” she explained. 

Continue reading MLA Michele Babchuk visits Cortes Island