Tag Archives: Quadra Island Community Plan

Area C Director’s Report: Quadra OCP kickoff & Regional Recreation

From the desk of Regional Director Robyn Mawhinney

It’s my sincere hope you’ve managed to stay warm and dry during the recent storms. The weather ‘bomb cyclone’ was certainly impactful! Along with the local power outages and ferry cancellations, the power went out at the Board office and roads to some of the smaller municipalities were closed, resulting in our regularly scheduled Board meeting of Wednesday November 20 being cancelled (and rescheduled for November 27).

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Area C Director’s Report: Active Transportation planning needs YOU (+ OCP review begins)

From the desk of Regional Director Robyn Mawhinney

Hello, Happy Thanksgiving! As chanterelles flourish and apples abound, I’m grateful for the rain and our great community. This report invites you to engage on Active Transportation planning, and shares info on Area C’s Official Community Plan review.

Continue reading Area C Director’s Report: Active Transportation planning needs YOU (+ OCP review begins)

Gowlland Harbour Views Development Voted Down

Rick and Cheryl Schellinck have been trying to obtain approval to subdivide their Quadra Island property, as the first step towards development, since 2011. The most recent version of the proposed Gowlland Harbour Views project consisted of twenty-two 2 hectare rural residential lots,  a 5 hectare Agricultural Land Reserve parcel, and two small Regional District Parks. Quadra Island residents were given a chance to state their opinions of the project at a public meeting on June 12. Then Schellinck’s application was defeated in an electoral Directors only vote at the July 24, SRD Board meeting. It failed to make it to the third reading. 

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The importance of ‘Rural Character’ to the Integrated Community Sustainability Plan for Area C

Three years ago, Area C received funding to develop an Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP). COVID intervened and it wasn’t until last August that a 14 member advisory group was assembled. The resulting draft plan was presented at the Wednesday, January 11, meeting of the SRD Electoral Areas Services Committee.  

“It was a very quick process, and we really appreciate all the efforts that went into it. The task force was convened in August and  by November the task force, the consultant and the SRD planner had come up with a draft proposal, which was then circulated to the community, and that draft was commented on by the community. But subsequently, because there was a very short timeline, some amendments were made to the document that was published and what you’re receiving today,” explained Lannie Keller, a Read Island resident and team member. 

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Turkstra rezoning application reconsidered and approved

How our local government works

The Strathcona Regional District (SRD) reversed its previous decision and approved the rezoning of a property in Quathiaski Cove, on Quadra Island. Jonathan and Eliah Turkstra wish to subdivide their 5 acre property into two parcels.  

In an Electoral Area directors only vote, the Turkstra’s application was turned down on May 11, 2022.

This decision was changed at the May 25 SRD Board meeting, when Regional Directors Jim Abram, Noba Anderson and Gerald Whalley voted first to reconsider the application and then to approve the bylaw that will allow the Turkstra’s to subdivide.

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