Tag Archives: Active Transportation Network Planning Grants

The SRD’s Active Transportation Planing Grant opens the door for larger opportunities

The Active Transportation Network Planning grant that Quadra Island received, and both Cortes Island and Area D are applying for, opens the door to far larger opportunities. 

As Meredith Starkey, Manager of Planning for the Strathcona Regional District (SRD), explained “Active transportation means anything human powered: walking, cycling, and rolling in the sense of skateboarding or some other type of device that you might use to roll.” 

“This is the BC Active Transportation Infrastructure Grant Program that’s administered through the Ministry of Transportation (MOTI) and Infrastructure. They have  a sub grant  that is specifically for active transportation network planning.” 

“What we have is the network planning grant.” 

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SRD Applying for Active Transportation Planning Grants on Cortes and in Area D

The Strathcona Regional District (SRD) is applying for a grant to develop plans for walking, cycling and rolling (skateboard, roller skates etc) infrastructure on Cortes Island and in Area D. 

The Ministry of Transportation refers to these as active means of transportation and has made Active Transportation Network Planning Grants of up to $50,000 available to communities with populations under 25,000. 

If their applications are successful, the SRD plans to match the funding with money obtained through the Community Works Fund (better known as the Gas Tax). 

Continue reading SRD Applying for Active Transportation Planning Grants on Cortes and in Area D