Tag Archives: Robyn Mawhinney

Bulk Water Regulations For The Outer Islands

At their December 11 meeting, the Strathcona Regional District (SRD) Board passed a bylaw to regulate bulk water processing, bottling and sales on Read, Maurelle, Sonora, Stuart, and the Rendezvous islands.

Three Campbell River Directors voted against receiving the staff report for this bylaw.

Director Susan Sinnott explained,  “I just want to hear from staff, the reasons necessary. Is there a pending application for people to bulk water in the Desolation Sound Area? Is there an imminent issue?” 

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SRD Motion Fails; Rural Areas Retain Sole Use of Gas Tax Funding

A Strathcona Regional District (SRD) motion that might have taken Gas Tax funding away from its rural areas was narrowly defeated at the Wednesday, November 27, Board meeting.

Every year, the funds collected through Canada’s Gas Tax are used on infrastructure and planning projects across the nation. In British Columbia, the Union of BC Municipalities distributes $280 million to local governments. Municipalities like Campbell River, Sayward and Zeballos are all paid directly, receiving $1.7 million, $79,000 and  $69.000, respectively. Viewed on a per capita basis, every municipality in the SRD except Campbell River receives between two and ten times more Gas Tax funding than the district’s rural areas. However the $543,000 for the Strathcona Regional Discovery’s four rural areas goes through the SRD. Up until now, this money was used ‘solely for their benefit,’ but there has been a push to explore ‘other options’ for this funding.

Continue reading SRD Motion Fails; Rural Areas Retain Sole Use of Gas Tax Funding

Mark Baker re-elected Chair of SRD, Matthew Jack Vice Chair

By law, the Strathcona Regional District is required to elect a Chair and Vice Chair every year. The SRD Board met on Wednesday November 27, and according to the resulting press release stated that Mayor Mark Baker was re-elected Chair for the third consecutive year. What it does not say is that their were two other candidates: Mark Vonesch of Cortes Island and Gerald Whalley of Area A. 

Continue reading Mark Baker re-elected Chair of SRD, Matthew Jack Vice Chair

Grants-in-Aid for Quadra ICAN and Surge Narrows Community Association Approved

Some of the SRD’s Campbell River Directors don’t believe not-for-profits should receive Grants-in-Aid for core operating expenses.   

At the Wednesday Nov 27 Strathcona Regional District (SRD) Board meeting, Director Susan Sinnot declared, “If not-for-profits are unable to get local support for their initiatives, then it’s not good practice that we be funding ongoing operating costs as a government body with forced taxpayer dollars. So I’m going to vote against this just because of the content of the request.”

The matter came up because Regional Director Robyn Mawhinney brought   forward two applications for assistance with 2025 insurance costs:

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Area C Director’s Report: Quadra OCP kickoff & Regional Recreation

From the desk of Regional Director Robyn Mawhinney

It’s my sincere hope you’ve managed to stay warm and dry during the recent storms. The weather ‘bomb cyclone’ was certainly impactful! Along with the local power outages and ferry cancellations, the power went out at the Board office and roads to some of the smaller municipalities were closed, resulting in our regularly scheduled Board meeting of Wednesday November 20 being cancelled (and rescheduled for November 27).

Continue reading Area C Director’s Report: Quadra OCP kickoff & Regional Recreation