Tag Archives: David Leitch

SRD Applying for Active Transportation Planning Grants on Cortes and in Area D

The Strathcona Regional District (SRD) is applying for a grant to develop plans for walking, cycling and rolling (skateboard, roller skates etc) infrastructure on Cortes Island and in Area D. 

The Ministry of Transportation refers to these as active means of transportation and has made Active Transportation Network Planning Grants of up to $50,000 available to communities with populations under 25,000. 

If their applications are successful, the SRD plans to match the funding with money obtained through the Community Works Fund (better known as the Gas Tax). 

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Caddisfly Wetlands Restoration Funding Application Proceeding

At their August 21 Board meeting, the Strathcona Regional District voted (7 to 6) to defer applying to Disaster Relief and Innovation Fund (DRIF) for $30,000 to pay for a feasibility study for the Caddisfly Wetlands Restoration Project. As the grant’s deadline was September 14, this was initially thought to have killed any possibility of receiving funding this year, until the We Wai Kai First Nation subsequently informed the SRD that it will apply for the grant directly, in partnership with Greenways Land Trust.

At their upcoming meeting, on September 25, the SRD Board will consider supporting the We Wai Kai application.

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Staff ‘simply trying to survive this poor environment’ audit reveals

Editor’s note: While the events described in this article were outside of our broadcast area, it clearly show what the role of a CAO is and what can happen if he/she is undermined.

By Jordan Copp, Coast Reporter, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The entire 145-page governance audit that identifies dysfunction within Sechelt council, was released publicly Sept. 12. 

While many of the findings and conclusions were revealed in the executive summary from George B. Cuff & Associates Ltd., which was released publicly in late June, the full report provides deeper insight into the factors that influenced the five pages of recommendations made to the mayor, council and senior staff.

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SRD Defers Feasibility study for Caddisfly Wetlands Restoration Project

Wetlands are key resources to address climate change and help maintain surface water flow during dry periods. But they are also largely disappearing.  According to a recent study in Nature, since 1700 approximately 3.4 million square miles of wetlands have been lost in the United States, Europe and China. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources estimates that 70 % of the wetlands in southern Canada disappeared prior to 1990. In densely populated areas, that figure is close to 98%. Unfortunately wetlands are often found in the same areas where humans like to live and this problem has been amplified by the critical need for affordable housing. 

Both of the most populated Discovery Islands are attempting to assess their water budgets while they look at further development. Quadra Island is mapping its wetlands, as well as carrying out rainfall, streamflow and aquifer studies. On Cortes Island, the Community Housing Society is seeking funding to carry out a study of Cortes Island’s water resources. 

Meanwhile the opportunity to apply for a $30,000 grant for the proposed Caddisfly Creek restoration project may have been lost, or at least deferred, because of Campbell River’s concerns about the possible impact on their plans for development.  

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Debate On proposed SRD Grant In Aid Policy  continues

The Strathcona Regional District is considering a Grant in Aid policy which would funnel all applications through staff. According to Gerald Whalley, who has been a Regional Director since the SRD was formed in 2008, this is the third time the idea of a policy has come up. After an intense debate, the proposal has been forwarded to the Electoral Areas Services Committee and Municipal Services Committee for further discussion. 

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