Annual Stats for 2022

A total of 44,165 people visited Cortes Currents during 2022; there were 10,584 plays on our podcast systems.

The top 10 posts, in terms of views were:

  1. (1,596 views) – Germany’s Bears Wolves & Eagles (2016)
  2. (611 views) – Federal Budget: the forgotten seniors aged 65-74
  3. (519 views) – (Public Letter) the Dark side of VIHA, Vancouver Island Health Authority 
  4. (501 views) – Cortes Island fibre project underway
  5. (475 views) – Vessels of Concern, signs of the Times (2020)
  6. )466 views) – The Passion behind Wild Water Adventures
  7. (424 views) – What can Cortes Island do with its abandoned boats?
  8. (424 views) – Farewell to Trudes Cafe
  9. (339 views) – Paul Stamet’s anti-dote for colony collapse disorder (2019)
  10. (320 views) – Connecting Cortes to Lund and Beyond

The new Google Analytics G4 program is not providing any information prior to Oct 21, 2022 and only point in time counts remain. During the 2+ months it lists 78% of the traffic came from Canada and 12% from the United States. The top 3 locations were Vancouver – 1,314 people; Campbell River – 1,110 people; An unspecified rural (ie ‘not set’) area – 619 people. There were also Victoria – 259; Toronto – 251; Surrey – 196; Powell River – 180.

63% of all traffic came through the web; 19% came directly to Cortes Currents; 12% was referred by a third party site (mosty Tideline); less than 2% through social media; the remainder is unassigned.

SoundCloud Revised to 10,184 plays, from 12,559 because of suspected bot activity

Suspected bot activity

Two know robotic centres, Boardman and Columbus made a total of 2,375 ‘plays’ on SoundCloud during 2022. As SoundCloud does not provide the necessary data to see if these visits fit the MO of a bot, I checked Cortes Currents for visits. There were none in the recorded portion of 2022, but in January 2023:

  • 1 visitor from Columbus came for 16s.
  • 3 visitors from Boardman came for 0s.

The Columbus visit may be human, but those from Boardman definitely fit a bot’s pattern of usage and I am calling both cities.

Top 10 Locations

  1. CKTZ’s listening area – 2,478 plays
    • Mansons Landing (& other parts of Cortes) – 2,012
    • Campbell River – 539
    • Heriot Bay – 122
    • Quathiaski Cove -94
    • Powell River – 82
    • Comox – 29
  2. Vancouver 1,589 plays
  3. Langley – 304
  4. Singapore – 272
  5. Courtenay – 267
  6. Victoria – 197
  7. Duncan – 157
  8. Surrey – 140
  9. Calgary – 78
  10. Toronto -76

The top 3 plays were:

  1. (262 Plays, bring the aggregate count to 364 plays) The Amazing Neuroplastic Brain – Folk U(March 20, 2021)
  2. (119 Plays) Hiway Hippy’s home burns down – Cortes Currents (Oct 5, 2022)
  3. (83 Plays) The State of Cortes Forest w/Suzanne Simard – Folk U (Jul 20, 2022)

Apple Podcasts – 364 plays