This week features Green Party Candidate Jessica Wegg (Friday Sept 3 at 1 p.m.) and next week is current M.P. Rachel Blaney of the NDP (Friday Sept 10 at 1 p.m.). Invites out to the other candidates and awaiting response.
What really matters to you this election? What do you wish you could ask? Tune in this Friday at 1 p.m. on or 89.5FM for the beginning of our Folk U election series where host Manda Aufochs Gillespie goes deeper with this year’s candidates vying to represent North Island-Powell River in the federal government.
BUT FIRST: What do you want to ask the candidates? What matters most to you right now? What are the small town issues that aren’t being asked? Send your questions to in advance of this Fridays show and help make this a meaningful conversation with today’s candidates.
Folk U Radio is taking old school viral every Friday at 1 and Mondays at 6:30 @CKTZ89.5FM or livestreamed at Find repeats anytime at
Top photo credit: Jessica Wegg: Green candidate for North Island–Powell River – submitted by JW.