Tag Archives: BC Liberal Party

BC Promises Four New Cancer Care Centres

By Michelle Gamage, The Tyee, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

British Columbians will get four new cancer care centres that can offer radiation treatment as the province gets ready for an increase in  cases of age-related cancers. 

Health Minister Adrian Dix said Thursday that new cancer care centres will be opening in Kamloops, Nanaimo, Surrey and Burnaby. 

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BC Government and Its Lawyers Head Toward Unionization Showdown

By  Zak Vescera, The Tyee, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Lawyers working for the B.C. government are threatening to sue it over a new law that would remove their right to choose their own union.

Bill 5 became law on  Thursday after months of fighting between the government and the BC  Government Lawyers Association, which applied last year to be recognized  as an independent union representing about 300 members. 

The legislation lifts a ban on unionization for the lawyers, who advise government on new laws and represent it in civil court.

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Wild Cortes (Part 2): Beyond the Main Exhibition Area

(This is the second part in a series about WIld Cortes, in Part 1 Sabina Leader Mense shows us through the main exhibition area.)

Cortes Island’s natural history centre just expanded. In addition to the main exhibition area, Wild Cortes now has displays in the Linnaea Education Centre’s lower atrium area. 

While the Ecolab has been operational for some time, it has not been widely publicized. In the conclusion of a two part series about the 2023 displays at Wild Cortes, local biologist Sabina Leader Mense (SLM) takes us outside of the main exhibition area.

Continue reading Wild Cortes (Part 2): Beyond the Main Exhibition Area

What Do You Think Site C Is Really About?

By Roy L Hales

The last of the B.C. Utility Commission’s Community Input Sessions was at the Victoria, on October 11, 2017. Having already covered this story dozens of times, I was not that interested in listening to a repetition of the same old arguments. So I asked Torrance Coste of the Wilderness Committee, “What do you think Site C is really about?”

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Asking A Liberal Candidate Tough Questions

By Roy L Hales

One of the principle movers behind the agreement to save the Great Bear Rainforest is running as a Liberal candidate in North Island riding. Dallas Smith hopes to bring more local accountability into the political process. There is not enough time to broadcast the entirety of our interview. Aside from a short exchange about Site C, last week’s broadcast was essentially a puff piece. In this segment, I am asking a Liberal candidate tough questions.

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