Tag Archives: Guaranteed income supplement

Blaney: Seniors living below the poverty line, GST rebates & carbon pricing

More than a third of the ‘housing insecure’ respondents to the survey on Quadra Island and 15% on Cortes Island were seniors. The percentage was lower throughout the Strathcona Regional District, but a significant number of residents are paying more for rent or mortgages than they can afford.  In the second half of an interview with North Island-Powell River MP Rachel Blaney, she talks about ways the government can help seniors living below the poverty line.

Continue reading Blaney: Seniors living below the poverty line, GST rebates & carbon pricing

Federal budget: The forgotten seniors (Aged 65-74)

More than 28% of the population of Cortes and Quadra Islands are seniors. The Federal budget has provisions for the estimated 3.3 million Canadian seniors aged 75 years and older, but nothing for those between 65-74. Rachel Blaney, the MP for North Island – Powell River, asks what are we going to do for the forgotten seniors?

Continue reading Federal budget: The forgotten seniors (Aged 65-74)