Cortes Currents asked all three candidates in North Island-Powell River (NIPR) for an interview. Jessica Wegg, of the Green Party, was the first to respond. Conservative candidate Aaron Gunn, who 338Canada currently projects as leading in our riding, has yet to acknowledge the invitation. NDP candidate Tanille Johnston, whose party is trailing in the projections, intends to visit Cortes Island soon and emailed her answers to my questions.
As with my previous interview with Jessica Wegg, this is a discussion of Johnston’s beliefs, not a debate on policy. There is some fact checking on her remarks about the Conservatives negativity (by comparing the name calling and negative imaging in the headlines of Conservative, NDP and Green press releases) and whether they do represent the rich (by looking at the cost to attend a party event and a report from the National Post).
Continue reading Q&A With NDP Candidate Tanille Johnston