Tag Archives: NDP Canada

Q&A With NDP Candidate Tanille Johnston

Cortes Currents asked all three candidates in North Island-Powell River (NIPR) for an interview. Jessica Wegg, of the Green Party, was the first to respond. Conservative candidate Aaron Gunn, who 338Canada currently projects as leading in our riding, has yet to acknowledge the invitation. NDP candidate Tanille Johnston, whose party is trailing in the projections, intends to visit Cortes Island soon and emailed her answers to my questions.

As with my previous interview with Jessica Wegg, this is a discussion of Johnston’s beliefs, not a debate on policy. There is some fact checking on her remarks about the Conservatives negativity (by comparing the name calling and negative imaging in the headlines of Conservative, NDP and Green press releases) and whether they do represent the rich (by looking at the cost to attend a party event and a report from the National Post).

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Freeland insists TMX will recoup billions; opposition MPs say no way

By Natasha Bulowski, Canada’s National Observer, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland is “very confident” the federal government will get back the $34 billion in public funds spent on the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion. But her statement produced widespread skepticism from opposition MPs.

“If you look at market analysis right now, the consensus view is this is a project that is worth a lot of money,” Freeland said at the natural resources committee meeting Monday.

Continue reading Freeland insists TMX will recoup billions; opposition MPs say no way

Passing the buck at TMX pipeline hearings

By Natasha Bulowski, Canada’s National Observer, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Now that TMX is complete, the question of who should bear the brunt of the project’s cost overruns is making the rounds on Parliament Hill.

A federal committee delved into this issue on Wednesday night, with some witnesses and MPs insisting the oil and gas sector should shoulder the burden because they are the ones profiting, while others argued the pipeline benefits all Canadians.

Oil industry executives called to testify at the Oct. 9 committee meeting on Trans Mountain’s massively over-budget pipeline expansion were met with a combative NDP leader.

Continue reading Passing the buck at TMX pipeline hearings

TMX in the crosshairs on MPs’ first day back in Ottawa

By Natasha Bulowski, Canada’s National Observer, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Canadian MPs are back in the capital and kicked off day one by digging into the climate and financial impacts of the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion (TMX).

Over five committee meetings in coming weeks, federal ministers, experts and interest groups will testify about TMX’s impact on Canada’s climate targets, how the cost to taxpayers soared, and government plans to sell TMX.

Continue reading TMX in the crosshairs on MPs’ first day back in Ottawa

Pierre Poilievre aims to turn B.C. coast blue at NDP’s expense

Editor’s opinion: Prior to NDP candidate Rachel Blaney’s election in 2015, our area (North Island-Powell River) was a Conservative stronghold for 7 years. Blaney won 40.2% of the popular vote, as opposed to the Conservatives 26.2%. Since then, the Conservatives have slowly been increasing their numbers in North Island-Powell River. They lost by 5.3% in 2019 and only 3.5% in 2021. Now that Blaney has decided not to run in the next election, the Conservatives have a chance to retake the riding. As of this morning, 338Canada’s projections show the Conservative Party of Canada taking as many as 5 of Vancouver Island’s 7 seats and the most likely riding to switch is North Island-Powell River.

(This is by no means certain and any swing to the right would most likely have less momentum in the Cortes, Quadra and the other Discovery Islands – which tend to lean more to the left than Campbell River.)  

Canada’s National Observer, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Long before the next election, Conservative Party of Canada Leader Pierre Poilievre is setting his sights on winning seats on Vancouver Island, despite the NDP’s domination over the past decade. 

The NDP holds six of the region’s seven ridings, with the exception of Green Party Leader Elizabeth May’s Saanich-Gulf Island riding. 

Continue reading Pierre Poilievre aims to turn B.C. coast blue at NDP’s expense