The licenses for all 19 salmon farms in the Discovery Islands expire in June. There will only be 7 farms left in the Broughton Archipelago by 2023, at which point their tenure ends unless they can obtain First Nations approval and Department of Fisheries licences. That leaves an estimated 79 salmon farms throughout the province, and all of their licenses come up for renewal on June 30, 2022.
Continue reading Potential elimination of open-net salmon farm sector in sightTag Archives: Phillips Arm fish farm
Salmon farms win court victory: can restock pens
National Observer, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
Aquaculture companies have won a court victory that appears to overturn aspects of a recent federal government decision to phase out contentious fish farms in the Discovery Islands.
Continue reading Salmon farms win court victory: can restock pensVirtual injunction hearing for three fish farms
The virtual injunction hearing, for three fish farms in the Discovery Islands, began yesterday.
Continue reading Virtual injunction hearing for three fish farmsA closer look at Sea Lice on 15 Salmon Farms
There has been a lot of talk about sea lice infestation of fish farms lately. According to a recent article from the North Island Gazette, there were more than the ‘acceptable’ number of parasites on fourteen sites this Spring. The President of Cermaq Canada just sent an industry perspective of this issue to the Strathcona Regional District Board. I decided to take a closer look at the sea lice on 15 salmon farms.
Continue reading A closer look at Sea Lice on 15 Salmon FarmsVisiting Philips Arm Salmon Farm
By Roy L Hales
My interest in British Columbia’s fish farms began with Alexandra Morton’s fim “Salmon Confidential Documentary” and you can find a distillation of her arguments, as well as other articles critical of this industry on this website. I recently became convinced there is another side to this story that we haven’t been hearing. So, at Marine Harvest’s invitation, I went visiting Philips Arm Salmon Farm.