By Dancing Wolf
Last Thursday, Jan 24, many of us were witness to some great visionary ideas and concepts regarding our near future in 2040.
I was deeply moved and inspired by this remarkable presentation created by the Students of the Cortes Island Academy and wonderfully supported by their Teachers.
So much so that I wrote a short poem to express my gratitude.
This is a simple synopsis of my experience and it would be great to hear more from some others that were in the large and enthusiastic turnout appreciating the “heavy lifting” by our local Youth.
All The More Bright
A mid Winter Wonder awaited us all
Starting with our hand prints on the wall
Then through a Cosmic Portal into a Hallowed Hall
It was a Time Tunnel, a vortex to life down the road
We were greeted by the Creators of a Mother Lode
of Beauty and Insight and Hope in many a mode
There was Ceremony and Science and all kinds of Art
Sculpture, Painting, Collage and Performance from the Heart
and it permeated very deeply, creative vision ala carte
There were tasty treats and all of them free
and so many Cortesians came out to see
how their Youth want their World to be
We were transported to fifteen years from now
Where many of our worst problems had vanished and how
By vision, truth speak, collective manifestation and vow
To honour each other, all other beings and our Earth
Seeing through differences to the wonder of our Worth
such intense Creativity that gives Reality Rebirth
There were a few older folks holding wonderful space
Teachers sharing love and wisdom with passion and grace
Students now Teachers themselves with joy on each face
Something stirred deeply in my Soul that night
A mixture of Gratitude, deep Love and Delight
Here on Cortes things are All The More Bright
Thank You Cortes Teens
Dancing Wolf
January 26, 2025