This illustration of numerous aquifers

An outpouring of education from Quadra Island’s Water Security Team

CKTZ News, through an LJI grant from

The Water Security Team, part of Quadra Island’s Climate Action Network (Quadra ICAN), is stepping up its offerings of information, research and implementation of projects vital to the future of water.  

Emeritus professor and stone sculptor Lee Gass, who got involved with the Water Security initiatives at a friend’s urging last fall, said that his first realization was how much there is still to learn. He researched and wrote A Short Course on Groundwater and Aquifers that is now part of the Water Security Team’s resource library.

The team hosts two weekly information tables: one is in front of the Quathiaski Cove grocery store on Fridays 2-4 p.m. Recently, they’ve added another table on Wednesdays 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Heriot Bay store. Kris Wellstein from the team wrote, “both tables are displaying and informing community members about our natural water systems on the island.”

Team member Kris Wellstein shows off the 1,000-litre rainwater storage tanks she procures. Image courtesy of Quadra ICAN’s Water Security Team.

Wellstein is in charge of selling rainwater storage tanks, which have a capacity of 1,000 litres and are made of food-grade metal-reinforced plastic. The team sells them equal to their own cost at $210 each. Interested islanders can contact Kris Wellstein via 250-202-4496 or

Two demo sites are planned at the former credit union in Quathiaski Cove as well as Quadra Builders.

The team works with experts, both local and further afield. A government observation well has been in place in Heriot Bay since 2008, and it shows gradually declining water levels.

The government observation well was installed in Heriot Bay in 2008.
Image courtesy of Quadra ICAN’s Water Security Team.

Regional Hydrogeologist at Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources Sylvia Barroso is giving a workshop for Well Health at Quadra Community Centre on Saturday, May 7 from 10 a.m.-12 p.m.

Another exciting initiative in the works is a wetland restoration partnership with the Quadra Elementary School, just beginning the preparation phase.

Top image credit: This illustration of aquifers was created by Water Security Team’s Bernie Amell. Image courtesy of Quadra ICAN’s Water Security Team.