Category Archives: Water

Feds invest $117 million to protect drinking water on B.C.’s Sunshine Coast

Canada’s National Observer, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

More than $117 million in infrastructure funding will be unleashed to address water woes on B.C.’s Sunshine Coast, the federal government announced on Thursday. 

The shíshálh Nation will head up the project along with the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) to upgrade the region’s water treatment plant and construct two large storage reservoirs in the Chapman Creek watershed.

Drinking water in the region, which is on B.C.’s southern coast and includes the municipalities of Sechelt and Gibsons, is under threat from a constant string of summer droughts. 

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Bulk Water Regulations For The Outer Islands

At their December 11 meeting, the Strathcona Regional District (SRD) Board passed a bylaw to regulate bulk water processing, bottling and sales on Read, Maurelle, Sonora, Stuart, and the Rendezvous islands.

Three Campbell River Directors voted against receiving the staff report for this bylaw.

Director Susan Sinnott explained,  “I just want to hear from staff, the reasons necessary. Is there a pending application for people to bulk water in the Desolation Sound Area? Is there an imminent issue?” 

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Who gets first dibs on water? BC Greens say farmers

Editor’s Note: Basil Creek dried up to a trickle and some of the shallow wells on Cortes Island stopped recharging during the 2022 and 2023 droughts. There have been similar reports from Quadra Island, where the ICAN Water Security Team and Wei Wai Kum are studying the situation. So far, these appear to be shallow aquifer issues and the deep aquifers on both islands appear to be healthy. The ICAN Team could have been speaking for both teams when it wrote, the ‘aquifers appear to be sufficient for current levels of human use, BUT we may be drawing down our aquifers.’ The level of uncertainty is higher on Cortes, where we not yet been able to raise the funding for the necessary water studies.

Canada’s National Observer, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The BC Green Party is calling for changes in the way the province deals with drought to ensure both farmers and the environment have access to enough water to flourish as climate change advances. 

Arzeena Hamir, the Green candidate for Courtenay-Comox, said the party aims to make it easier and cheaper for farmers to build dugouts on farms that capture and store rainwater, seek amnesty for farmers facing large fines for unlicensed water use, and ensure water for farming food and protecting nature takes precedence over clear-cut logging in watersheds, commercial bottling needs, or to frack for gas during droughts.

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Monthly Housing Forum: Water Quality and Quantity

Tune in on May 10th for the second collaborative monthly housing forum hosted by the Cortes Housing Society and Folk University. Themed “Water Quality and Quantity”, this forum featured guest panelists Darren Bond, Nick Sargent, and David Bethune and a following community discussion. This is a recording of the second monthly housing forum in April, hosted over Zoom, with 24 people in attendance. Hear us chat about water, it’s relation to housing, and about how these ideas could be applicable to Cortes.

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Upcoming Virtual Forum on Water Quality and Quantity

The Cortes Housing Society’s Virtual Forum will be returning to the airwaves at 10 AM on Saturday, April 20, with a program on ‘Water Quality and Quantity.’ Host Sadhu Johnstone will be joined by three expert panelists: Darren Bond from Hornby Water Stewardship, Nick Sargent from the Quadra Island Climate Action Network (Quadra ICAN) and David Bethune of Groundwater Solutions. There will also be breakout sessions to discuss how these issues apply to Cortes Island.

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