Love Fest 2024: Final touches Before the Day

A crew of seven volunteers was just starting to put up the stage, when Cortes Currents arrived at Linnaea Farm on Wednesday. The doors to Love Fest 2024 will open at 11 AM on Saturday, August 10. 

“This is  the fifth year. We took two years off during COVID, so it’s seven years since we started in 2017,” said Rex Weyler, one of the founding organizers of Love Fest,  

His co-producer, Benji Coey, added, “Things are going really well. We’re about three days out and things are moving very smoothly, so fingers crossed touch wood it continues. It’s going to be a beautiful day. The grass on the lawn in front of the stage is lush and green, which for this time of year is a miracle. The lake looks calm and I think the whole vibe is going to be really beautiful.”

Love Fest logo by Lisa Gibbons

The Final Line-up

Rex Weyler:  “Absolutely great show, and Cosmo Sheldrake is coming back to do some of his electronic improvisations.”

Benji Coey: “Cosmo is a favorite on the island.  He’s got a different type of audience and brings a lot of young folks out as well. He’s going to bring that electronics-folky thing. So that’s a really great addition. That’s going to be a beautiful way to end. Actually he’s going to be on just before Adonis Puentes. 

Rex Weyler: “Adonis Puentes and the Cuban band, they were just such a big hit last year. We had lots of requests to bring them back. So we did.”

Benji Coey: “Adonis is coming with a four piece band this year. He’s bringing over his piano player from Toronto, flying out especially for the show. Guys who he’s toured with for many, many years.  It’s gonna be a top class Cuban band once again.” 

“Ann Mortifee is doing a retrospective of her entire career. She’s got a four piece band with her as well, including Jack Weyler, Rex’s son, on piano. He’s a beautiful player.  I got a great hand drummer with them and a bass player as well.  Obviously Ann is singing and playing some guitar. So that’s going to be terrific.” 

 “Elise LeBlanc who recently went to Manson’s hall, maybe three months ago with a wonderful quartet. One of the most fantastic fiddle players you could ever hear. He’s a young guy, he just channels when he performs.  That’s going to be a really beautiful  old country, Americana show. So there’s a really good variety. There’s going to be lots of different styles,  which are going to be met.”

“So there’s going to be something for everybody.”

Rex Weyler: “Doc Fingers and Tom Keelyside,  two well known jazz R&B, musicians.  I remember Doc Fingers playing in Vancouver in the seventies. Tom Keelyside is a sax and flute player.” 

“Rick Scott,  formerly of Pied Pumpkin and Pied Pear and a BC favourite, is going to do two shows. He’s going to play in the kid’s tent at around 12:45 and he’s going to do a set from the main stage in the afternoon.”

“Rick and Amy Bockner are going to play.” 

“Heather Wolf is bringing a band. She was fantastic last year and I’m sure she’ll be fantastic this year.” 

“The Cortes band Six Foot Johnson is going to play.” 

“Michael Keith has a trio. Cortes is so lucky  to have Michael Keith , such a great guitar player, living here.”  

“The Awakeneers are going to play.” 

“Jemma Hicken is going to play. Beautiful songwriter Jemma,  I love her songs.” 

 Johnny Hanuse, from Klahoose, is going to play”.

Nicole Dimmers, who’s a new player. I’ve listened to some of her stuff on the internet. She’s fantastic.

“Ali Cartland and his friend are gonna play sitar and tabla.”  

“So it is going to be a full day. I’ve got a kid’s tent. There’ll be music there, and games, and stories, and  dress up, and things to do at the kid’s tent.”

The Grounds

Benji Coey: “We got a special misting tent as well. So if people get really hot, they can go mist down.”

Rex Weyler: “There will be two misters. One here at Linnaea, and one  in the little trail back through the woods that Robert is setting up next door. So there’ll be a place for people to go into the misting tent and cool down.” 

One of the coolest places at every Lovefest is Wild Cortes, in the basement of the Linnaea Education Centre. . 

This year’s intern, Florence Allen explained, “Wild Cortes is a nice cool place to learn about the natural history of Cortes Island.” 

She is a Vancouver resident, who came to Cortes for a week’s vacation. 

Florence Allen: “I  saw the hiring poster on the ferry over here.  I was intrigued because I’ve always thought about working at a natural history museum. Learning about the natural history of where you live gives you a better understanding of how to protect your ecosystems.” 

Rex Weyler: “It will be warm, but those who have been to Lovefest before know it’s a pretty shady spot down here at the stage site.” 

“There’ll be a little bit more room for dancing and so forth. around the stage this year because we’re moving the Lovefest booth and the radio booth out of that area.”

“It’s just going to be another great day. Love Fest is just a one day of music for the island community, and  that’s really all it is. We’re not trying to grow bigger. We’re just trying to really put on one day of really excellent music. That’s what we do every year and it’s fun”

 Cortes Currents: What should we expect in terms of food and booths? 

Benji Coey: “Linnea Farm will be having their usual canteen, which is going to be offering up a number of items.” 

Kristen, from Linnaea Farm, provided further details:

“We have a full kitchen activated to feed the people on site, so we’re going to do a Mexican taco themed menu. So there’s going to be corn on the cob, pork and vegetarian tacos with fresh slaw, fresh salsa and hand cut fried tortilla chips and like a Cubano sandwich. Then we’re doing popsicles made with fresh fruit and whatnot, plus drinks and some baked goods.”

Benji Coey: “There’s going to be some special meals for the musicians as well. CKTZ are going to be here, they’re going to be offering up some ice creams, and I hear it’s going to be about 36 degrees, so that is going to be Very, very popular, I suspect.” 

Getting There

Rex Weyler: “The tickets are in all the stores right now. It’s the last week to get your early bird tickets. Get a family ticket that brings in two adults and as many kids and relatives as you have –  grandma, grandpa, whatever. Bring the family, that’s a really good deal if you’ve got more than two people.  I’ll be selling tickets at the last Friday market before the show, and then we’ll see you on Saturday.”

Early Bird Prices:

  • Adult – $40
  • Family – $80
  • Under 18 – $30

As in previous years, parking will be limited. 

Rex Weyler: “Please, if you can, do carpooling.  Ride your bicycle and so forth, if you can. If you would like, there are going to be rides. We have two vans going (The Klahoose Community Bus & Hollyhock Shuttle) , there’ll be Squirrel Cove, Gorge, and Manson’s pickups in the morning, and then there’ll be rides home in the evening.” 

  • Leaving Gorge Hall: 10:15, 11:15, 12:15
  • Leaving Mansons Hall: 10:45, 11:45, 12:45
  • Leaving Squirrel Cove Store: 10:45, 11:15, 3:00

Cortes Currents: Is there anything you want to add?  

Rex Weyler: “Sorry to say, no dogs. This is a farm, Linnea Farm. Please, find some place for your dogs.” 

Links of Interest

All undesignated photos by Roy L Hales.

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