Tag Archives: Nesting Season

TELUS sprayed herbicides in Mansons Landing

TELUS most likely did not anticipate any Cortes Island reactions when it sprayed herbicides over its property in Mansons Landing

“I was just outraged. In this day and age, who is going out there and spraying their whole property, every square metre of it, with poison. And why weren’t we notified?” asked Cortes Island naturalist George Sirk.  

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Serenade Of The Swainson’s Thrush

By George Sirk

Yep, they’re back from Venezuela, and secretly at dawn and dusk, are singing in a melancholic, flute-like, upward spiralling cascade. Their call note, a simple “whit”, is easily imitated and can often draw the bird out. They are arrive fairly late, usually late April early May, and leave by end of September. Enjoy their songs now as their territorial imperative diminishes as summer progresses.

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Folk U Friday: the Dawn Chorus

Originally Posted on Cortes Radio.ca

This is a fabulous time of year to hear the dawn chorus and begin to listen for bird calls as birds are establishing territories or trying to attract a mate. The result is an amazing orchestra of bird song, right on your doorstep every morning. It’s free and all you have to do is roll out of bed a little early, sit back and listen! It’s a wonderful way to start the day!

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