Tag Archives: Cortes Environment

Folk U: The Eye Of The Octopus

[from the Archives: July 25, 2020]

On the July 10th Folk U Friday: (1) Lucretia Shanfarber talked more about the Cortes Garden Club and things she’s learned about no dig gardening from gardens on Cortes and Quadra. (2) The main feature was Michael Moore explaining the mysterious underwater world of octopuses.

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Folk U: Learning to love our lakes

Lake Biology 101 – Learning to love our lakes on Folk U Radio .

What does it mean to love our local lakes? Learn more this week at Folk U Radio with Friends of Cortes Island and local guests Miranda Cross and Rex Weyler at 1 p.m. on CKTZ 89.5FM and on cortesradio.ca

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A Brief History of Forest Activism on Cortes Island

[researched and written by Mike Moore, edited and produced for radio by De Clarke]

Cortes Islanders are very aware that we live on an island. The landbase has a very defined perimeter with the ocean; but the way the land wraps around and encloses the island’s many harbours and bays means that the land has a very intimate and close connection with the ocean. We know that the land, lakes, creeks and ocean are all interrelated.

Standing on a Cortes beach allows one to see what is happening on the lands around us in a bigger perspective. From Smelt Bay, we could witness the clearcuts sprawling across the mountainsides on Vancouver Island. From either side of Sutil Point, we could see the pulp mills in Campbell River and Powell River belching steam and smoke into the sky.

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Friends of Cortes Island Society launches Western Screech Owl research project

By Greg Osoba, CKTZ News, through an LJI grant from Canada-info.ca

With funding from the BC government, the Friends of Cortes Island (FOCI) conservation and education society is taking part in a “threatened species” field research project aimed at determining the local status of the Western Screech Owl. The launch began with a public notice to Cortes Islanders on February 23rd and includes an evening presentation with a field biologist on March 7th.

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Cortes Island’s latest Citizen Scientist Project: Monitoring Dungeness Crabs 

Cortes Island’s newest citizen science project, monitoring Dungeness crab larvae, was announced last Friday. Local diver Mike Moore,  Helen Hall from the Friends of Cortes Island (FOCI) and Kelly Fretwell from the Hakai Institute joined Manda Aufochs Gillespie on CKTZ’s Folk U Friday.  

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