Tag Archives: Mosaic on Cortes

Suzanne Simard speaks at the 2023 Cortes Community Forest AGM

The Mother Tree Project began in one Lower Mainland and nine Interior forests. They recently expanded their research on the coast, where Dr Suzanne Simard says the forests are richest in terms of biodiversity. A team came to Cortes Island at the invitation of the Cortes Community Forest Cooperative, and students from the Cortes Island Academy will be taking part in a research propject later this year. Dr Simard described the Mother Tree Project’s work on Cortes, and responded to questions, at the Community Forest’s 2023 AGM.

This is an abridged transcript taken from the ZOOM audio. 

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Taxes waived for Lot 302 on Read Island; a brief respite for Cortes Island

Both the Campbell River Mirror and National Observer reported how the tiny Surge Narrows Community Association (SNCA) purchased 20 acres on Read Island in 2019. 

“We just couldn’t bear to see yet another clearcut,” explained Read Island resident Lannie Keller. “It was a beautiful piece of treed land along the main road where people travel to get mail, to the school or the dock.”

Continue reading Taxes waived for Lot 302 on Read Island; a brief respite for Cortes Island

Mosaic informs SRD of its intentions for Cortes and Quadra Islands

Mosaic informed the SRD Board of its intentions to log Cortes and Quadra Islands in a presentation at the August 17 SRD Board meeting.  

“Earlier this year, we were really happy to announce that Way Kay Ventures, a newly formed company owned in part by the We Wai Kai First Nation is providing us with our timber harvesting services on Quadra island. So great to see that nation, working with us on our crown tenures, to participate in the forest sector in their traditional territory,” explained Molly Hudson, Mosaic’s Director of Sustainability. “We’ve been talking a lot with the community on Cortes about upcoming harvest plans, which we intend to launch this fall.”

Continue reading Mosaic informs SRD of its intentions for Cortes and Quadra Islands

At Wild Cortes: ‘Climate Crisis – the Cascade effect’

‘Climate Crisis: The Cascade Effect’ opens at Wild Cortes, in the Linnaea Education Centre, 1 PM on Sunday May 29, 2022.  

Co-curator Donna Collins explained that this exhibit illustrates what the climate crisis is doing to our natural habitat, especially species like deer, owls and the island’s apex predators.   

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Environmental concerns about the Gorge Harbour log dump

When a large volume of logs were dumped in Gorge Harbour, during the 1970s and 80s, they caused extensive damage to the underwater environment.

One of the questions raised at Mosaic’s Cortes Island ZOOM meeting, last January, revolved around the possibility that reactivating the log dump could also have negative impacts. Mike Moore dove beneath the log dump about fifteen years ago. At that time, he observed a thick layer of wood debris and sediments, covered by ‘bacterial mats.’ Moore was concerned about the possibility a new disturbance of the sediments could pollute nearby shellfish operations. 

Continue reading Environmental concerns about the Gorge Harbour log dump