Tag Archives: Linnaea Farm

Cortes Island Grant-In-Aid Projects Approved

$28,500 does not go far when there are 13 applicants. The applications for Cortes Island’s Grant-in-Aid budget were more than twice that amount this year. When he presented a list of recommendations to the SRD Board, Regional Director Mark Vonesch also handed in a report that listed all of the projects that did not make the final list. 

A committee of Cortes residents volunteered their time for the difficult task of choosing which which projects to recommend.

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Only A Week From Now: FOCI’s 2024 AGM

The Friends of Cortes Island (FOCI) 2024 AGM is coming up at 5 PM on December 3rd. They are celebrating more than 30 years with their Marine Stewardship program. Sabina Leader Mense will be the guest speaker. 

“That’s the second part of the AGM. For the first part, we will be talking about  the work we’ve done in 2024. We’ve just produced our 2024 Annual Report and that’s bursting at the seams with amazing work that we’ve been doing over the last year,” explained Helen Hall. executive director of the Friends of Cortes Island.  

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Summer 2024 Activities with FOCI

The Friends of Cortes Island (FOCI) have just published their summer activities program for 2024.

“We’re really delighted to be launching our 2024 Summer Events Program. We’ve got eight really fabulous events running in July and August. Everything from a low tide walk in Manson’s Lagoon, which we call ‘Gumbooting in the Lagoon’, through to a kayak tour of Hague and Gunflint Lakes.  We’ve also got a tour of Blue Jay Farm, a herbal tea workshop, and an early morning seashore walk in front of Hollyhock. So lots of really exciting events coming up,” explained Helen Hall, Executive Director of FOCI.

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First Draft of the SRD Poverty Reduction Plan

The Strathcona Regional District is considering what could be an extremely innovative and societal changing plan. As CAO David Letich informed the Board, at their Wednesday June 26 meeting, the draft Poverty Reduction Plan is already more than 100 pages long. It was his intention to have the plam introduced through a presentation and then, hopefully, they will forward it to the Committee of the Whole for further discussion. 

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Coming July 5: Iris Steigemann, Adrift Above The Arctic Circle

Iris Steigemann was an artist before she came to Cortes island in 1980, but for the last five or six years her work has taken on a new focus. 

“I’ve been painting icebergs. What fascinates me is the underneath of the iceberg. You usually see  a quarter to a third of an iceberg above the water.  Under the water, it’s kind of a dream landscape.  I  like to play around with that,” she explained.

“There is also the environmental aspect of it. The ice cap there is  melting way faster than  what was expected.  The thickest part of the ice cap in Greenland is about three kilometers deep. They’re doing ice cores of this and they can actually see what kind of weather there was, what was happening on earth at those times. Now  this is all melting.  They break off and a lot of them from Ilulissat Icefjord actually float around to the Canadian side.  They drift down the east coast and then they melt.” 

Continue reading Coming July 5: Iris Steigemann, Adrift Above The Arctic Circle