Tag Archives: Whaletown Black Bear

 A North Island situation: solutions for Campbell River’s Bear problem

Campbell River’s bear problem is escalating. There were twice as many reports of bears raiding garbage cans this year. Sergeant Mike Newton, a Conservation Officer with the Ministry of Environment, went to the June 27 city council meeting with a couple of suggestions.

They both hinge upon changing human behaviour.

Continue reading  A North Island situation: solutions for Campbell River’s Bear problem

At Wild Cortes: ‘Climate Crisis – the Cascade effect’

‘Climate Crisis: The Cascade Effect’ opens at Wild Cortes, in the Linnaea Education Centre, 1 PM on Sunday May 29, 2022.  

Co-curator Donna Collins explained that this exhibit illustrates what the climate crisis is doing to our natural habitat, especially species like deer, owls and the island’s apex predators.   

Continue reading At Wild Cortes: ‘Climate Crisis – the Cascade effect’

Safety, Security and Mosaic

Originally published on the Cortes Tideline

Mosaic Forest Management
Colin Koszman, Land Use Forester

Hello Colin,
Thank you and the rest of your team for taking the time to do your recent Zoom presentation with some limited Q&A time for Cortes Islanders. During that presentation, I recall one of you saying that Mosaic is a new company and that you are just beginning to explore the landbase of your Cortes Island holdings. I’m sorry that I cannot be clearer on the exact wording because of course there is no recording of the Zoom presentation available to check the veracity of my memory.

Continue reading Safety, Security and Mosaic

Update on the Squirrel Cove Bear

Last November, a black bear started raiding the fruit trees, garbage cans and compost piles in homes backing onto Basil Creek, on Cortes Island. In response to a complaint, the Conservation Officer Service brought a trap over to the island. If they had caught the bear, it would have been put down – but the Squirrel Cove Bear escaped.  

Continue reading Update on the Squirrel Cove Bear

Two year old Grizzly on Quadra Island

A two-year old grizzly bear’s month long visit to Quadra Island is about to come to an end.

Continue reading Two year old Grizzly on Quadra Island