Tag Archives: Scenic impact of logging

Quadra Project: Critique of Mosaic’s 2022 Forest Stewardship Plan (P 1)

Originally published on the Discovery Islander

Mosaic’s 2022 Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP) for TimberWest is a legal document describing in general terms how the forests of Tree Farm Licence 47 on Quadra Island will be treated during the next five years. Except for changed dates and a few bureaucratic adjustments, it is ostensibly identical to its 2017 predecessor, an indication that Mosaic’s management objectives have been unaltered by the climate crisis that is now occupying the attention of every thoughtful and informed human being on our planet. Their corporate activity is unchanged, as if they were somehow exempt from any responsibility for “heat domes”, “atmospheric rivers” and the other extraordinary weather anomalies that have and will continue to plague us.

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Reviewing the scenic impact of logging in the Outer Discovery Islands

The BC Government is currently reviewing the scenic impact of logging in the Outer Discovery Islands. They are determining the level of viewshed protection for scenic corridors important to the $50 million-a-year marine tourism industry, local residents, and recreational users. All of the crown lands on Cortes, Read, Maurelle, Raza, Stuart, and the Redonda Islands are being given new Visual Quality Objective designations.

Continue reading Reviewing the scenic impact of logging in the Outer Discovery Islands