Yesterday Cortes Currents published a story about local governments asking the BC government to defer logging in old-growth forests until the recommendations of the province’s Old Growth Strategic Review have been implemented. At the bottom of that story there are links to reports from the Comox Valley Regional District and the municipal governments of Courtenay, Cumberland, Lantzville, Metchosin, Nanaimo, Powell River, Port Moody, and Victoria. The Capital Regional District (CRD), which represents 13 municipalities and three electoral areas in Southern Vancouver Island, was going to vote on a similar resolution Wednesday, but the Pacheedaht First Nation said this would be a violation of the sovereignty and wishes of their nation. The CRD has not yet published the minutes of that Board meeting. Locally, Geraldine Kenny, from Sierra Quadra is asking the SRD (Strathcona Regional District) to support the old Growth Strategic Logging Review.
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Old growth forest initiative checked by aboriginal title issues
A local government initiative to protect Vancouver Island’s old growth forests may have been checked by aboriginal title issues.
(Subsequent addition: The Capital Regional District will consider a revised motion on May 26th.)
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