winter sun through the trees along a on a sun lit snowy morning.

The Christmas Episode on FolkU Radio @89.5FM

Holiday stories, music, and … perhaps even call-in caroling.. this week on Folk U Radio: Friday at 1 p.m. as Norleen Lillico joins host Manda Aufochs Gillespie for a festive and fun holiday show.

AND we invite neighbours to help make this an extra special holiday show by calling-in to CAROL over the phone. Call 250-935-0200 to participate!

Questions? Requests? Email

Folk U Radio is taking old school viral every Friday at 1 and Mondays at 6:30 @CKTZ89.5FM or livestreamed at Find repeats anytime at

Top photo credit: Misty Winter afternoon by Bert Kaufmann via Flickr (CC BY SA, 2.0 License)