Tag Archives: BC Union of Nurses

B.C. moves to attract foreign nurses to overcome critical staffing crisis

By Fabian Dawson, New Canadian Media, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Desperate for healthcare workers, British Columbia announced today a series of initiatives, including bursaries of $16,000 each for 1,500 internationally educated nurses (IENs), to enter the province’s health system.

The $9 million in bursaries will go towards helping IENs get registered and licensed faster in B.C., the provincial ministry of health said in a  statement .

Continue reading B.C. moves to attract foreign nurses to overcome critical staffing crisis

The number of BC’s Indigenous nurses is not known

23. “We call upon all levels of government to: (i) Increase the number of Aboriginal professionals working in the health-care field. (ii) Ensure the retention of Aboriginal health-care providers in Aboriginal communities. (iii) Provide cultural competency training for all healthcare professionals.” –Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action

the Discourse, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s (TRC) 23rd call to action was for an increase in Indigenous health care practitioners. Without clear numbers, how can this call be met?

Continue reading The number of BC’s Indigenous nurses is not known