A green crab being held up by someone's hand

European Green Crab

Press release from FOCI

Friends of Cortes Island is sad to announce that an invasive European Green Crab was found in Mansons Lagoon last week as part of a trapping exercise undertaken by a Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DOF) biologist, Klahoose Fisheries, and Friends of Cortes Island volunteers.

This is the first European Green Crab found on Cortes and in the Discovery Islands.  European Green Crabs are considered one of the world’s worst invasive species. They can significantly damage shoreline ecosystems and harm important species and habitats, including eelgrass beds.

DFO Aquatic Invasive Species Program’s Response unit is planning to conduct a larger trapping exercise in the Lagoon in May, assisted by Klahoose Fisheries and Friends of Cortes Island.  The purpose is to assess the distribution of the crabs in the Lagoon and to trap, remove (eradicate) any found.  Once this trapping is done, the DFO will develop a specific Response Plan, which may involve further trapping going forward. We will keep the community posted as things develop.

How you can help:

IDENTIFY: Take a look at the attached brochure (pdf) to learn how to correctly identify European Green Crabs. Keep your eyes open when you are on the beach. Remember that there are many types of crabs that are green in colour, but only the European Green Crab has five spines.

REPORT: If you think you have found a European Green Crab, please email a photo, date of observation and the location to DFO.AISPacific-EAEPacifique.MPO@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

CLEAN, DRAIN, DRY– Help stop the spread of invasive speciesPlease ensure you are not transporting European Green Crabs from one location to another. Completely clean, drain and dry your boats and gear before moving them.

Top image credit: Photo of Green crab by P. Menning courtesy FOCI