Tag Archives: Washington EV Infrastructure

How is the West Coast Electric Fleets Initiative Doing?

By Roy L Hales


It has been nine months since the Governments of California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia embarked upon a shared initiative. In their joint press release, group spokesperson Governor Kate Brown explained “The West Coast Electric Fleets initiative leads the way in helping fleets scale up zero-emission vehicles to reach our goal that, by 2016, 10 percent of all new purchases are electric vehicles.” How is the West Coast Electric Fleets Initiative Doing?

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Washington’s EV Development is Ready to Move Forward

By Roy L Hales


The 2009 “Green Highways bill” (HB 1481) opened the door for Washington state’s EV infrastructure. With the help of funding through the Federal Recovery Act, Governor Chris Gregoire announced construction of “the nation’s first true electrified highway” in June 2010. It was to stretch out along the 276 miles of the I-5, which connects to Oregon and Canada. None of this would have come into being if it were not for an active EV community. Yet in 2013 – the year there were more Teslas sold in Washington than any other state in America – things started stalling. The good news is that Washington’s EV development is ready to move forward. Will the state legislators make this possible?

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EV’s are Just Better Vehicles, in Almost Every Way

By Roy L Hales

Brad Gibson was so disturbed by the documentary “An Inconvenient Truth,” that he decided to never buy another gas burning car for  commuting. He and his wife Mariko would share their 2005 Subaru Outback XT until they found an alternative. As they were both working, that meant Gibson could only use it part of the week. He pedaled the 40 miles to and from work twice a week, which was not always pleasant in rainy Washington State, and caught buses. At one point, his father offered to give them a second car, Gibson said no. Though not in the top 1% of America’s wage earners, he was in the top 10%. If people like him were not prepared to make changes, how could they expect anyone else to?

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