3,597 people made 8,371 pageviews (PV); 104 daily & 727 weekly users; average Canadian PV was 6:05 min; Podcasts: 342 plays
1,719 posts and index pages were viewed on Cortes Currents. The aggregate count for CityWest’s Cable Cut In Whaletown (av sess. 3m 6s) reached 432 PV.
The top 3 posts in terms of views this month were:
- (167 Views) New Initiatives from the Old Schoolhouse Art Gallery (average session was 5m 36s)
- (132 Views) A New Season For The Whaletown Garden Centre (3m 29s)
- (130 Views) Beyond Personal Carbon Impacts, Seeking A More Sustainable Planet (3m 44s)
Cortes Currents: 8,371 Pageviews
Top 3 sources of Traffic – from Independent Analytics
From a total of 47 sources, the top 3 were:
- Google – 2,391 people made 4,216 Pageviews (PV), averaging less than 2 PV each (5m 39s)
- Direct to website – 1,098 people made 3,168 PV, averaging just under 3 PV ea, (6m 40s)
- Tideline – 498 people made 2,004 PV, averaging 4 PV ea (7m 34s)
Top 5 Nations – from Independent Analytics
People from 65 nations visited Cortes Currents, the top 5 nations were
- Canada – 2,873 people made 7,256 PV, averaging about 2.5 PV ea (6m 5s)
- United States – 354 people made 598 PV, averaging slightly over 1.5 PV ea (2m 42s)
- Russia – 70 people made 78 PV, averaging slight over a single PV ea (2m 7s)
- Germany: 45 people made 64 PV, averaging about 1.5 PV ea (48s)
- United Kingdom: 44 people made 68 PV, averaging about 1.5 PV ea (1m 5s)
Top Canadian Locations – From Google’s G4A
- CKTZ’s listening area – 757 people:
- Greater Campbell River (which includes Cortes & Quadra Islands) – 369 people, averaging 4m 22s
- Undesignated rural area, presumably on the West Coast – 309 people, averaging 2m 11s
- Powell River – 65, averaging 1m 23s
- Comox – 15 people, averaging 1m 50s
- Vancouver – 581 people; averaging 1m 55s per session
- Victoria – 117 people, averaging 1m 50s
SoundCloud – 668 Plays
The top 3 SoundCloud podcasts this month:
- (50 Plays) Folk U: Food Security from the Perspective of Farmers, Food Thinkers, and the Cortes Food Bank Coordinator – Folk U
- (28 Plays) New Initiatives from the Old Schoolhouse Art Gallery – Cortes Currents
- (22 Plays) Misinformation About The SRD Housing Service – Cortes Currents
Important Sources of Traffic
- 312 plays through SoundCloud apps or embeds; 285 plays came through third party rss feeds
- 206 Plays came from Cortes Currents
- 29 Plays on the SoundCloud website
- 10 plays on the Cortes Radio
- other sources.
The top 3 Nations were:
- Canada – 403 Plays
- United States – 194 Plays
- Germany – 12 Plays
The top Canadian locations were:
- CKTZ’s listening area – 140 Plays
- Mansons Landing – 95 plays;
- Whaletown – 26 plays;
- Campbell River – 10 plays;
- Powell River – 6 plays;
- Comox – 3 plays
- Vancouver – 74 plays;
- Denman Island – 25 plays.
The top 3 SoundCloud podcasts this month, in terms of plays, were:
- (50 Plays) Folk U: Food Security from the Perspective of Farmers, Food Thinkers, and the Cortes Food Bank Coordinator – Folk U
- (28 Plays) New Initiatives from the Old Schoolhouse Art Gallery – Cortes Currents
- (22 Plays) Misinformation About The SRD Housing Service – Cortes Currents
Apple Podcasts – 123 Plays
Top 3 podcasts were:
- (29 Plays) Back to the Beginning: The First Wildlife Coexistence Program On Vancouver Island – Cortes Currents
- (24 Plays) Food Security from the Perspective of Farmers, Food Thinkers, and the Cortes Food Bank – Folk U
- (11 Plays) Audio from the Homeshare Forum – Folk U
CKTZ 89.5 FM
Listeners on Cortes Island , Quadra, Campbell River and down the Salish Sea coastline to Powell River and Comox. 8 AM & (repeating) 3 PM, Mon to Fri; Saturday Round-up at 1 PM.