Older Stats

The ECOreport was launched, as an international news website, in December 2013. The website was given a more local focus and registered the domain name ‘Cortes Currents’ on February 27, 2019.

Cortes Currents website

Cortes Currents used a variety of tracking devices until settling on Google Analytics in Feb 28, 2019.

Google Analytics does not identify of Cortes or Quadra Islands. organizes local data into cities and a number of ‘not set’ areas. The ‘not set’ areas were searchable under the now defunct Google Analytics Universal program and at one point I counted over 120. Prior to 2024, I thought CKTZ’s rural listening area corresponded to the most appears to fall within the largest ‘not set’ area, which I am calling Rural Area #1. When you factor in the average listening time and engagement, Campbell River’s profile closely matches that of traffic coming in from ‘3rd part websites’ (which is mostly the Tideline).

A quick glance at the plays on SoundCloud reveals that while most of the people coming to Cortes Currents from the Greater Campbell River area live in the city of Campbell River, most of the traffic is actually coming from Cortes Island.

Early Years (2014 – 2018)

Most of my leading posts in 2014 were reposts on larger websites. Top 3 articles:

Top 3 articles exclusive to the ECOreport:

2019 – 12,621 people in 10 months, pageviews unknown

This version of Google Analytics initially went back to Feb 28, 2019. When Google switched to G4A, it ceased making records prior to Oct 2022.

In the following 10 months 11,251 people visited the website once and 1,532 returned. 

Top 4 locations:

  1. CKTZ’s Listening Area: – 928 people
    • Campbell River – 52 return and 761 new users;
    • Powell River – 2 return and 87 new users;
    • Comox – 3 return and 24 new users. 
  2. ‘Not set’ area #1 – 80 return and 1,378 new users
  3. Vancouver – 138 return and 1,061 new visitors.
  4. Richmond, BC – 66 return and 384 new visitors

Top posts during the 10 months from 2019:

2020 – Total for visitors & pageviews unknown

This is taken from a list of the top 100 articles in 2020

  1. (2016-20) 48,675 views – Germany’s Bears, Wolves and Eagles 
  2. (2019-20) 32,291 views – Canada’s National Debt 
  3. (2020) 15,874 views – Local COVID data from the BC Centre for Disease Control
  4. (2020) 10,555 views – Will there be a Federal Election in 2021?
  5. (2020) 8,258 views – Cortes going into slowdown
  6. (2020) 7,184 views – Controversy over lack of summer rentals
  7. (2019-2020) 6,946 views – Marine Weather Stations Offline
  8. (2020) 5,451 views – COVID cases in our area
  9. 2015-2020) 4,978 views – Vancouver’s new permits discourage rooftop solar
  10. (2020) 4,949 views – Ways to reduce COVID’s impact
  11. (2020) 4,900 views – Two Wheels Good, e-bikes on Cortes Island

2021 – 52,554 visitors; pageviews unknown

I switched back to Google Analytics on May 21, 2021. In the little more than 7 months that followed, 32, 888 people visited Cortes Currents and 4,028 returned to see more. 2,014 came more than 26 times and 327 came more than 200 times.

This graph was compiled using data from two tally systems

This is taken from a tally made in Nov 2021 and presumably YTD:

  1. – 3,277 views – Campbell River RCMP may have gunned down an innocent man
  2. – 2,441 views – Germany’s Bears, Wolves and Eagles(2016)
  3. – 1,467 Views – Canada’s National Debt (2019)
  4. – 1,182 views – Telus wants to put up 5 communication towers
  5. – 1,036 views – (Campbell River Mirror repost) Fairy Creek Protesters release video
  6. – 1,030 views – 75% cut to Cortes Ambulance Service
  7. – 758 – Two year old grizzly on Quadra Island
  8. – 531 views – Agarikon : an old-growth mushroom, possibly the key to fighting future pandemics
  9. – 520 views – (National Observer repost) Tide to Table, a Quadra company’s response to COVID (2020)
  10. – 513 views – BC Ferries don’t take cash (2020)

2022 – 47,236 visitors; Pageviews unknown

43,998 people visited Cortes Currents and 6,531 were returning users. 4,440 came at least 26 times and 1,042 came more than 200 times.

The top 3 locations were:

  1. UBdesignated ‘Rural Areas’ – 4,253
  2. Vancouver – 2,941
  3. CKTZ’s listening area- 1,901 people
    • Greater Campbell River – 1,594
    • Powell River – 254
    • Comox 53
  4. Gibsons – 1,235

Top posts in 2022, in terms of views

  1. – 1,596 views – Germany’s Bears Wolves & Eagles (2016)
  2. – 611 views – Federal Budget: the forgotten seniors aged 65-74
  3. – 519 views – (Public Letter) the Dark side of VIHA, Vancouver Island Health Authority 
  4. – 501 views – Cortes Island fibre project underway
  5. – 475 views – Vessels of Concern, signs of the Times (2020)
  6. – 466 views – The Passion behind Wild Water Adventures
  7. – 424 views – What can Cortes Island do with its abandoned boats?
  8. – 424 views – Farewell to Trudes Cafe
  9. – 339 views – Paul Stamet’s anti-dote for colony collapse disorder (2019)
  10. – 320 views – Connecting Cortes to Lund and Beyond


20,820 people have visited Cortes Currents during the first six months of 2023 and 3,101 of these have been ‘returning visitors.’ 2,825 have visited the website at least 15 times, 2,078 at least 26 times and 465 came more than 200 times.

The top 4 locations were:

  1. ‘Rural Areas’ – 3,544 people
  2. Vancouver – 2,364 people
  3. CKTZ’s listening area- 1,697 people) 
    • Greater Campbell River – 1,443
    • Powell River – 201
    • Comox 53
  4. Surrey – 768
  5. Gibsons – 752

Top posts during the first 6 months of 2023:

  1. – 684 views – Germanys Bears Wolves & Eagles (2016)
  2. – 683 views – Changes coming to local BC Ferries 
  3. – 584 views – (National Observer repost) BC Islanders bid adieu to their Queen who has reigned for nearly 60 years 
  4. – 496 views – Canada’s National Debt (2019)
  5. – 407 views – (CKTZ News repost) RCMP investigating after woman was found dead on Quadra Island, say it was ‘targeted,’ but ‘isolated’ 
  6. – 396 views – Cortes Island Fire Department: Two opposing risk assessments
  7. – 392 views – Seafest returning to Squirrel Cove Saturday, May 20
  8. – 388 views – Mudslide Behind Campbell River Beach Condos
  9. – 348 views – Vessels of Concern, Sign of the times (2020)
  10. – 277 views – Telus started construction on Cortes Island

Under Google G4A

A new version of Google Analytics (G4A) took effect on July 1, 2023. One of the immediate effects is the biggest ‘Not Set’ area under the old system has been broken up. In the chart below I am under the mistaken impression that COrtes Island must be in Not Set Area #1.

Cortes Currents on CKTZ 89.5 FM radio

Cortes Currents (originally called The ECOreport) was a weekly radio program on CKTZ 89.5 FM from July 8, 2014 until Aug 19, 2020. We switched to daily broadcasts, Mon to Fri, on Monday, Aug 24, 2020.

SoundCloud Podcasts

Our primary podcast system is Soundcloud, where the number of plays have been:

2016 (Weekly Broadcast) – 937 -plays

Plays in our area:

  1. CKTZ’s Listening Area – 107
    • Campbell River – 61, (#1 listening area in Greater Campbell River)
    • Heriot Bay, Quadra Island – 36,
    • Mansons Landing, Cortes Island – 10
  2. Vancouver – 75
  3. Victoria – 28

2017 (Weekly Broadcast) 898 Plays


  1. Mountain VIew, California – 94
  2. Vancouver – 68
  3. CKTZ’s broadcast area – 64
    • Campbell River – 41(#1 listening area in Greater Campbell River)
    • Mansons Landing – 20
    • Powell River – 3
  4. Victoria – 50

2018 (Weekly Broadcast) – 1,420 Plays

Important plays:

  1. CKTZ’s Listening Area – 184
    • Mansons Landing, Cortes Island – 79 (replaces Campbell River as the #1 location in our area)
    • Campbell River – 62
    • Powell River – 22
    • Heriot Bay, Quadra Island – 9
    • Comox – 6
    • Quathiaski Cove, Quadra Island – 6
  2. Vancouver – 99
  3. Kamloops – 170

2019 (Weekly Broadcasts) – 3,416 plays

  1. CKTZ FM radio listening area: 785 plays
    • Campbell River -348 plays – replaces Cortes Island as #1 in CKTZ area
    • Mansons Landing, Cortes Island -263 plays
    • Heriot Bay, Quadra Island -97 plays
    • Quathiaski Cove, Quadra Island – 36 plays
    • Powell River -30 plays
    • Comox -16 plays)
  2. Vancouver – 257 plays.
  3. Courtenay – 173 Plays

2020 (switch to weekly mid year) – 7,423 plays

Top Canadian locations:

  1. CKTZ FM radio listening area – 1,610 plays
    • Mansons Landing, Cortes Island -1,025 plays
    • Campbell River (365 plays)
    • Powell River (116 plays),
    • Heriot Bay (32 plays),
    • Quathiaski Cove (21 plays),
    • Lund (19 plays),
    • Whaletown (17 plays),
    • Comox (15 plays)
  2. Vancouver – 225
  3. Courtenay – 166
  4. Denman Island – 143
  5. Victoria -135

2021 (Daily) – 13,899 Plays

  1. CKTZ FM radio listening area – 2,302 plays
    • Mansons Landing, Cortes Island – 1,556 plays
    • Campbell River – 559 plays
    • Quathiaski Cove, Quadra Island – 90 plays
    • Lund, qathet – 62 plays
    • Powell River, qathet – 51 plays
    • Heriot Bay, Quadra Island – 49 plays
    • Comox – 35 plays
  2. Vancouver – 333
  3. Courtenay – 322
  4. Victoria – 217

2022 (Daily) – Revised to 10,054 Plays

Top Canadian Plays

  1. CKTZ FM listening area:
    • Mansons Landing (2,012 plays),
    • Campbell River (539 plays),
    • Heriot Bay (122 plays),
    • Quathiaski Cove (94 plays),
    • Powell River (82 plays).
    • Comox (29 plays).
  2. Vancouver (1,583 plays).
  3. Langley – 307
  4. Courtenay – 267
  5. Victoria – 192

2023 – revised to 33,509 Plays

Top image: Feature image for German Forest by Bartosz Makara via Flickr (CC BY SA, 2.0 License)