Woman in the Green part booth at an event

Election 2021: Everything hinges on climate change, says Wegg

CKTZ News, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

While she does not like to be identified as a one issue candidate, Jessica Wegg, the Green Party candidate for North Island — Powell River, says global warming has become the most important issue of our time.

“It touches every aspect of our lives, every other aspect of society in general. We cannot talk about anything else until we talk about the climate, and unless we talk about the climate,” says Wegg.

This summer’s heat dome in British Columbia was unprecedented. Businesses were forced to close and hundreds died.

“My sons school: they made the attendance optional because the heat was so bad and so dangerous. And they didn’t even do that the whole year for COVID, at his school,” said Wegg.

The pace and number of extreme weather events appears to be increasing globally. Wegg says the wildfires in BC are a prime example.

“Here we have the terrible fires in the interior, the smoke blanketing us too and a whole town burned down in the interior!” she said. “I do not know how we could not see that the climate is the biggest issue: it is.”

Jessica Wegg checking out the Yellow Island Fish Farm with Hereditary Chief George Quocksister Jr. of the Laichkwiltach Nation. Photo courtesy of Jessica Wegg.

On a personal level, Wegg does not eat meat, she composts and recycles, she turns off the lights when she leaves a room and she’s conscious of how much water she uses.

“But those aren’t enough. We need to really tackle this at the deeper levels. We’ve got industries that are just wrecking the planet and they are not being held accountable. We need to tell them to stop,” said Wegg. “Obviously, I am talking about the oil and gas industry. We need to leave it in the ground, that’s the bottom line. Enough is enough. We know that we have greener technologies. We have jobs in them. We can produce energy cleanly for less money.”

Wegg said the people of North Island — Powell River should vote for her because British Columbia needs politicians who care about the next generation and “who do the right thing because it is the right thing.”

A man, woman, teo children and dog pose for a picture in front of a cave
Jessica Wegg and her family visit the Little Huson Caves in Northern Vancouver Island. Photo courtesy of Jessica Wegg.

CKTZ News is asking every federal candidate in the North Island – Powell River riding three questions:

  1. What is the most important issue(s) in this election?
  2. What have you done, personally, to address this issue(s)?
  3. Why should we vote for you?

The federal election is Sept. 20. Stay tuned to CKTZ’s coverage of the federal election over the next month: