Tag Archives: Clayoquot logging protest

Naaʔuu, come together and feast, celebrates Tla-o-qui-aht culture with their own narrative

By Alexandra Mehl, Ha-Shilth-Sa, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Tofino, BC – Among round tables, in a traditionally inspired longhouse, Naaʔuu invites community members to gather and celebrate Tla-o-qui-aht culture for an evening. 

On March 16 the evening began with Hjalmer Wenstob, co-host and artistic director for Naaʔuu, along with singers welcoming guests with a paddle song. Soon after, the room filled with sounds of laughter and conversation as plates were brimming with salmon, mussels, and bannock, an abundance of coastal cuisine made by Heartwood Kitchen.

Wenstob said this event was an opportunity to tell Tla-o-qui-aht’s narrative from their own perspective.

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Expert Panel Discussion: Suzanne Simard, Tzeporah Berman, Paul Stamets

An expert panel discussion featuring Suzanne Simard, Tzepoarh Berman and Paul Stamets was one of the highlights of the Children’s Forest AGM on January 28. The topics ranged from finding an effective way to communicate with industry to a proposed research collaboration on Cortes Island. The podcast below is an abridged version of that segment, starting with the introduction Forest Berman-Hatch gave for his mother.

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Old-growth activists want fewer police powers at Fairy Creek; The RCMP want more

National Observer, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

A slew of legal applications involving the contentious Fairy Creek old-growth blockades are moving forward in B.C. Supreme Court this week as the protest becomes one of the largest acts of civil disobedience in Canada.

Continue reading Old-growth activists want fewer police powers at Fairy Creek; The RCMP want more

The legal issues at Fairy Creek, with Tzeporah Berman

CKTZ News, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

As the RCMP continue arrests of forest defenders at the Fairy Creek blockades, legal and political questions abound following the BC Court’s decision to take over the persecution of arrestees at the request from logging corporation Teal Jones.

Continue reading The legal issues at Fairy Creek, with Tzeporah Berman

Are Fairy Creek Activists aligned with First Nations?

National Observer, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Huu-ay-aht Chief Coun. Robert J. Dennis Sr. is blunt in his assessment of old-growth activists in southwestern Vancouver Island who remain in First Nations’ territories despite being asked to leave.

Continue reading Are Fairy Creek Activists aligned with First Nations?