By Matt Simmons, The Narwhal, Local Journalism Initiative reporter
“Serious deficiency.” “Very stinky.” “Leakage.” “A hazard.”
Those are some of the ways BC Energy Regulator officials described oil and gas sites when they documented apparent environmental infractions during routine inspections, according to internal documents.
The regulator, a provincial government agency, is largely funded by the oil and gas industry and charged with managing oil and gas activities across the province.
The Narwhal and the Investigative Journalism Foundation identified more than 1,000 instances when inspectors documented apparent infractions yet gave the sites in question a passing grade, according to more than 40,000 records released through freedom of information legislation. The records reveal a widespread pattern: the B.C. government is failing to ensure oil and gas companies comply with regulations designed to protect ecosystems and human health and safety.
Continue reading One oil and gas site was ‘stinky,’ another was ‘gurgling.’ B.C. officials gave them a pass anyway