Tag Archives: James Creek restoration

The Cortes Island Streamkeepers need help

The Cortes Island Streamkeepers are looking for volunteers, and also hoping that the community steps up its efforts to combat climate change. 

“There’s quite a few tasks we have to do,” explained Leona Jensen. 

One of them is in the Klahoose hatchery. 

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Significant Accomplishments reported By Forest Trust for the Children of Cortes Island

This program was funded by a grant from the Community Radio Fund of Canada and the Government of Canada’s Local Journalism Initiative

One of the advantages of virtual AGM is that people from Vancouver, Calgary, and select locations on both the West and East Coast can also attend. Most were in houses, but one was in a parked car and another on a sandy beach somewhere in Washington state. The Forest Trust for the Children of Cortes Island (FTCCIS) reviewed significant accomplishments of the past year at a ZOOM conference on Jan 23, 2021. 

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Friends of Cortes Island AGM

The Friends of Cortes Island Society held their annual general meeting this past Wednesday evening, November 18th

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Increasing the salmon spawning potential of James Creek

The Friends of Cortes Island (also known as FOCI) Streamkeepers are increasing the salmon spawning potential of James Creek, on Cortes Island

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