Tag Archives: Jodi Peters

Community-led support for families with newborns launches locally

CKTZ News, through an LJI grant from Canada-info.ca

First Years Caring Collective (FYCC) is launching on Cortes Island to offer volunteer help for families who are expecting or have recently had a baby.

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Active transportation study for Cortes Island launched

CKTZ News, through an LJI grant from Canada-info.ca

The Strathcona Regional District is launching its active transportation research project this week, beginning with a public survey.  The SRD was granted $20,000 last year toward the project for Cortes Island (previously reported) from the Union of BC Municipalities.

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How COVID impacted Teen afterschool programming on Cortes Island

During the last week of November, a health officer stopped Teen Szene as it was a hang out, not a sports program. We spoke about the need these programs fill, and Jodi’s thoughts on the process of adapting to COVID 19 reality. 

Continue reading How COVID impacted Teen afterschool programming on Cortes Island