Tag Archives: Shawn Hall

protesters rally outside DFO offices in Vancouver

By Quinn Bender, Prince Rupert Northern View, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Anti-salmon farm protesters rallied outside the offices of Fisheries and Oceans Canada in downtown Vancouver Sept. 24 in a show of solidarity for a coalition of First Nations and industry groups who the day prior demanded an end to salmon farming in the Discovery Islands

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Heiltsuk First Nation calling on DFO to close fisheries and salmon farms

North Island Gazette, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The Heiltsuk First Nation from Bella Bella is calling on Fisheries and Oceans Canada to order open-net salmon farms to close and to shut down commercial and recreational salmon fishing next year, only opening fisheries after “conservation and food, social, and ceremonial needs can be met.”

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Climate Change may push farmed salmon out of the market

National Observer, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

B.C. farmed salmon may be pushed off people’s plates by climate change in the coming decades.

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