32 active cases in North Vancouver Island

32 active cases in North Vancouver Island

While the number of active COVID 19 cases on Vancouver Island has now reached 504, these are almost all in the South and Central Health Service Delivery Areas. Yesterday Island Health reported 32 active cases in North Vancouver Island. 

Screenshot from BC Centre for Disease Control Geographic distribution by Local Health Area map for the week of Mar 28 – Apr 3. Released on Apr 7th, 2021

Their are no school closures or outbreaks reported in our area.

The most geographically specific data available, week old Local Health Area statistics released by the BC Centre Disease Control on Wednesday April 7th, shows 12 cases in the Comox Valley, 7 in Greater Campbell River, 5 in Vancouver Island West and 1 in Vancouver Island North. 

The only mention of COVID on Quadra Island is now almost a month old and, as there have been no updates, could be irrelevant. 

There are no known reports of active cases on Cortes Island.

Restaurant tests negative!

The only incident to report comes from the Session Taproom & Kitchen in Campbell River. On Wednesday, April 7, they posted the following note to their website

“One of our team members had a COVID exposure this past weekend and has since developed some symptoms. As a precaution, while we await test results, we have decided to close the taproom for today, Wednesday April 7th, and perform a deep clean of our space.”

Island Health did not instruct them to do this and frowns upon such public disclosures.

The restaurant staff member tested negative and a subsequent note posted on Session’s website states: “We are thrilled to report that we have been given the green-light to resume our growler fill program with any of our rotating BC Craft Beer taps!” 

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Top photo credit: Taking a sample by Epicbeer via Flickr (CC BY SA, 2.0 License)

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