Tag Archives: Sea level rise on Cortes

The launch of Cortes CPR (Climate Plan for Resilience)

The official launch of Cortes CPR (Climate Plan for Resilience) took place just days ago.  (They were talking about it last January.)

“We’ve put out our new Facebook page and an introductory letter to the community in the Tideline. We’re really trying to get the ball going because we’ve done a lot of preliminary research and organizing behind the scenes,  but now we want to get it out that we are working on this plan,” said spokesperson Ashley Zarbatany.

“We’re looking to partner with different organizations. We’re going to be reaching out to stakeholders and rights holders and we are also looking for volunteers for our data collections team.”

Continue reading The launch of Cortes CPR (Climate Plan for Resilience)

Assessing The danger of sea level rise on Cortes and Quadra Islands

SRD Protective services Coordinator Shaun Koopman gave an update on the progress of a grant to access the danger of sea level rise on Cortes and Quadra Islands.

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building up Cortes Island’s emergency preparedness systems

The Strathcona Regional District (SRD) is building up Cortes Island’s emergency preparedness systems and this requires money. They have already received a $65,000 Community Resiliency grant this year. There is more coming. SRD Protective Services Coordinator Shaun Koopman explained that they have applied for another $265,000 of funding.  

Continue reading building up Cortes Island’s emergency preparedness systems

Preparing for sea level rise on Cortes and Quadra Islands

The Strathcona Regional District (SRD) is applying for a grant to assess the potential extent of sea level rise on Cortes and Quadra Islands

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