Category Archives: Disaster

Burning out: B.C. wildfire fighters share stories from the frontlines

By Matt Simmons, The Narwhal, Local Journalism Initiative reporter

“It’s like someone turned the fire switch on and it’s just not stopping.”

That’s what wildfire ecologist Kira Hoffman told me in November, as we discussed our new wildfire reality. I can’t help but think back to that conversation today, as we watch the out-of-control blazes burn Los Angeles, putting at least 180,000 residents under evacuation orders and engulfing entire neighbourhoods in the second-largest U.S. city. It’s all happening in January, a month that should have brought some rain to southern California; instead, the region is drought-stricken and bone dry.

It points to an uncomfortable reality: we need to be thinking about wildfires year-round, and not just when fires are actively burning where we live.

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Tiber Bay Residents Being Asked If They Want To Be Included In Cortes Fire Protection Area

The 32 properties in Tiber Bay are one step closer to being included in the South Cortes Island fire protection area. They are currently outside the boundary and, consequently, the Cortes Fire department cannot immediately respond to fires in that area. It needs direction from the BC Wildfire Service. Tiber Bay residents will soon be receiving a petition in which they can state their preferences.

Cortes Island Director Mark Vonesch read out the motion at the December 11 SRD Board Meeting,  “That a petition be prepared and distributed to affected property owners to determine if they support the extension initiative, and then a further report be prepared for the Board’s consideration at the conclusion of the petition process.”

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Loss of Electricity and CityWest Internet During Recent Storm

Close to 400,000 BC Hydro customers, primarily on Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland, lost power during the recent windstorms. Gusts of up to 159 km/h were reported on November 19, the first night of the storm.  By 4 PM on Friday, November 22, all but about 5,000 customers on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands were back online. Parts of Cortes and Quadra Islands were among the last areas to be restored. 

BC Hydro identifies extreme storms like this with climate change and, in their 2023 Climate Change Accountability Report, states:

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Hydro says BC is experiencing worse storms and the cause is climate change

Editor’s note: By the time it was over on Nov 23, about 400,000 customers lost their power and CityWest could not provide internet to Cortes, Denman or Hornby Islands for two days.

With winds of up to 159 km/hr the ‘bomb cyclone’ hitting Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland is far from the worst we’ve seen in recent years. As of 3:43 AM this morning, 272,000 people had been deprived of power and that number is still increasing. According to BC Hydro, “Climate change has led to an increase in extreme weather events in British Columbia, and this is something BC Hydro has been preparing extensively for.”

Continue reading Hydro says BC is experiencing worse storms and the cause is climate change

Tiber Bay May Soon Be Added To Cortes Island’s Fire Protection Area

Part of Tiber Bay may soon be included in the Southern Cortes Protection Area. This matter was brought up at the Wednesday, November 6, Electoral Areas Services Committee (EASC) meeting, where a motion to recommend it with no dissenting votes.  

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