Tag Archives: Wood chipping

Area C Directors Report: WildSafe application, wood-chipping, Refuge Cove visit + more

From the desk of Regional Director Robyn Mawhinney

Hello,This report shares news on a WildSafe program application for Areas C & B, the next steps of a potential wood-chipping service, and my visit to Refuge Cove.

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Opening of the Rainbow Ridge Trail System

Close to 200 people gathered in the Village Commons, in Mansons Landing, to celebrate the opening of the new Rainbow Ridge Trail System. There were 177 ticket stubs for the door prize and some people wandered in after that. As it was a hot summer’s day, most of them clung to shade beneath trees, awnings and the main tent. 

Rose and Brenda Hanson, from the Klahoose First Nation, opened the ceremony.

Continue reading Opening of the Rainbow Ridge Trail System

SRD Plans to Recommence Wood Chipping Service “Next Year”

At the regular SRD board meeting on April 26th (minutes), a couple of issues of interest to Cortes residents were discussed.

There were new developments in the story of SRD’s proposal to centralise rural fire hall administration; this was covered by Roy Hales on Monday.

The Board also discussed the “Community Resiliency Investment Grant” and its uses, specifically the provision of wood chipping service for properties with road access, and the local use of those wood chips. 

Continue reading SRD Plans to Recommence Wood Chipping Service “Next Year”

Interview with Cortes Island’s new Interim Fire Chief

(Transcript of the radio program, with edits)

Eli McKenty had been Cortes Island’s Interim Fire Chief for 15 days when I interviewed him. He was actually the Department’s preferred choice as Fire Chief five months ago, but turned the job down, so they hired someone from Alberta. After five months of a six month trial period, the Cortes Island Fire Department came to the conclusion that ‘aspects of Dave Ives’ leadership style were at odds with the culture of our fire department’ and he was dismissed. McKenty agreed to be the Fire Chief until they can find a replacement. 

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SRD deciding how to allocate wood chips

How our local government works

At their last meeting, the SRD Board approved a motion to keep the wood chips created by it’s residential wood debris pickup in rural areas, but have yet to decide how they will be distributed.

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