Tag Archives: Priya Huffman

Demonstration at access point to Cortes Airstrip

Earlier this year,  the Cortes Island community learned that there were renovations underway at the island’s old gravel airstrip. At a town hall meeting last June, around 125 residents turned out to express their concerns. Very little transpired until yesterday, Monday, August 12, when an asphalt truck was spotted in the BC Ferries webcam feed from Heriot Bay. It did not take long to confirm that the truck was coming to help lay a layer of chipseal on the runway. During the next hour, around 20 people gathered at the corner of Raven and Suitil Point Roads to block access to the airstrip. From the beginning it was clear this demonstration was a brief expression of displeasure and, after a delay, the truck would be allowed to proceed to the airstrip. The truck was delayed for about half an hour. Ben Adjami, who Martine Rothblatt employs as the project’s lead contract, came out to politely listen to the protester’s concerns. He then clarified some details about the project.

Chris Dragseth explained, “We’ve tried, as a small group of people, to engage in a respectful way. Unfortunately, to date, that has been totally unsuccessful. We’re wanting to go on record stating the community is not happy. The contractors are stuck in the middle. Our intent is to allow this truck to go through, but we want to demonstrate that there is some concern at all levels within the community.”

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25th Anniversary Celebration of Marnie’s Books

Recording and initial transcript by Bill Weaver, but very much a collaboration in which Darshan Stevens photography and Cortes Currents all participated.

On the evening of Friday August 20, 2023, in the Cortes Co-Op Courtyard, 155 people arrived with their folding chairs to attend a 25th Anniversary Celebration for Marnie’s Books.  First Marnie gave a history of her book selling, and the origins of the Courtyard. Then Shaena Lambert, Rex Weyler, Priya Huffman, Norm Gibbons, Ruth Ozeki, and Erin Robinsong read from their writings. For two hours these wonderful presenters held this large crowd spellbound. This event was co-Sponsored  by the Cortes Island Museum and Archives Society.

The following transcript begins with an introduction by Melanie Boyle, from the Cortes Island Museum.

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Opening of the Rainbow Ridge Trail System

Close to 200 people gathered in the Village Commons, in Mansons Landing, to celebrate the opening of the new Rainbow Ridge Trail System. There were 177 ticket stubs for the door prize and some people wandered in after that. As it was a hot summer’s day, most of them clung to shade beneath trees, awnings and the main tent. 

Rose and Brenda Hanson, from the Klahoose First Nation, opened the ceremony.

Continue reading Opening of the Rainbow Ridge Trail System

From Cortes to Zimbabwe: A Love Story

Oriane Lee Johnston described her book launch  in the Cortes Museum’s Heritage Garden as ‘a perfect fulfillment.’

“There we are in the Heritage Garden of Cortes Museum and Archives. I counted afterwards probably more than 65 people and I’m standing looking out at my friends and neighbours who are happily attentive and all smiling. It felt wonderful,” she said.

Continue reading From Cortes to Zimbabwe: A Love Story

Hall Tax Consultation Refreshing

Originally Published on Cortes Radio.ca

By Roy L Hales

On June 6, 2019, Chair Michele Babchuk and three members of the Strathcona Regional District staff caught a water taxi from Campbell River to Cortes Island. Around 80 local inhabitants were waiting for them in Mansons Hall. I doubt anyone could have guessed what was to follow. The resulting Cortes Island Hall Tax consultation was refreshing.

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