Transformations On the Shore: Local Art

Since its inception in 1997, Campbell River‘s chainsaw sculpture show, “Transformations on the Shore,” has been a favourite event for both locals and tourists. Artists come from as far away as Alberta to participate in the summertime live sculpting event.

This year’s sculptures are still on display at Frank James Park, on the old highway on the way to Willow Point…

… and if you haven’t seen them yet, they’re well worth a visit.

Transformations on the Shore
2019 sculptures on display at Shoreline Park

Sculptures range from the kind of “West Coast Rustic” you might expect when you think “chainsaw sculpting,” to extraordinarily detailed and sophisticated figures. If you happen to be in Campbell River, I highly recommend dropping by to check it out.

Here are my personal favourites this year (note that the captions are my nicknames for the pieces, not the official titles from their plaques):

Transformations on the Shore
Little Dino (background blurred to highlight subject)
Transformations on the Shore
Mama Eagle feeds her young, side view and back view
Transformations on the Shore
Painted Eagle and Chinese Dragon
The Big Eagle
Bear Detail from Big Eagle
Salmon Detail from Big Eagle

This is a grand local tradition; maybe one day a Cortes Island chainsaw sculptor will win distinction with a particularly fine entry!