Campbell River Is Watchfully Reopening

A week has passed since South Korea announced it was in the midst of a second wave of COVID 19. Though some experts insist this will come to Canada, only one Vancouver Island resident is still infected with the virus. Five people died; the rest recovered. British Columbia is in stage three of a restart program. Public health guidelines still prohibit gatherings of 50 people or more. Campbell River is watchfully reopening.

Campbell River is Watchfully reopening
City Parks worker puts a mask on Logger Mike – Courtesy City of Campbell River

The day after Premier Horgan announced British Columbians can safely travel around the provinceCampbell River’s downtown icon adopted a new look.

Mayor Andy Adams explained, “Wearing a mask can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 virus. Logger Mike wearing one is a reminder that my mask helps protect you and your mask helps protect me.”

It is the symbol of a city reclaiming activities that helped define its daily existence.

Two Flights, Sunday To Friday 

The Campbell River Airport has been back in operation for a month. 

Pacific Coastal Airlines has been flying a limited schedule – some weeks one day, others two –  since June 2.  Business has been good. As of  July 5th, Pacific will be offering two flights, Sunday to Friday.

Phase One of Central Mountain Air‘s relaunch of scheduled service begins on Tuesday, July 7. Campbell River is not one of the cities that will be serviced, but could be among those for phase two. If everything goes well, that could be in another month or so.

Splash Park

The city’s outdoor pool will remain closed, but Splash Park is once again available to the public. 

We don’t have resources to constantly monitor the area, so we’ve posted signs with safety reminders. We will be counting on everyone to refrain from overcrowding the area and asking adults to maintain appropriate physical distance from each other,” said Drew Hadfield, the City’s director of operations. “We know people are looking forward to summer fun, and our top priority remains the safe use of City facilities and amenities. Please follow directions posted on signs. Also, stay home if you are sick.”

Pier Street Market

Pier Street Farmers Market Reopens at a new location as of Sunday, July 5. It moved to the parking lot on Cedar Street, across from the Community Centre, in order to meet provincial health standards. 

There is a lot of space in this new location. It is perfect to accommodate physical distancing while offering the public a wide selection of vendors,” said Reid King, Pier Street Market manager.

The market will be open every Sundays from 10:00am to 1:30pm until Sept. 20th. 

In Person Public Information 

The COVID crises struck before Campbell River could hold the public information session for its Waterfront project. An Outdoor pop-up info booth was finally set up at Rotary Daybreak Park on June 17 and 23. Mayor Adams was one of the 60 information givers who dropped in to connect with local residents.

Sportsplex Weight Room

The weight room in Campbell River’s Sportsplex reopened on Monday, June 22. Residents can use the facility, for up to 90 minutes, between 8:30 AM an 4 PM, Monday to Friday. You need to made through an online reservation system

Outdoor Fitness Classes

On June 30, Campbell River’s held the first in a series of outdoor fitness classes. The next one. ‘Pump it up,’ will be at 9 AM on Thursday June 2.  Find more information and register at

 Spirit Square On The Move

The first of the ‘Spirit Square on the Move’ concerts will be between 4 and 7 PM, July 9. According to the news release: 

‘These street-based concerts will allow people to listen at a safe distance from their front yards, on patios, porches or decks, while participating in a family-friendly, community-based event with their immediate neighbours.’”