Tag Archives: Bill Jones

Hibernation hits Fairy Creek blockade camps, but hunt continues for missing defenders

National Observer, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The Fairy Creek old-growth blockade is heading into winter hibernation mode but the search remains ongoing for two activists missing in the remote region on southeast Vancouver Island.

The Rainforest Flying Squad — the grassroots coalition behind the old-growth blockades — recently broke down the last of its publicly accessible camps due to extreme winter conditions.

Continue reading Hibernation hits Fairy Creek blockade camps, but hunt continues for missing defenders

Fairy Creek: Roadside camp closes down; Elder Bill Jones given environmental award

Roadside, one of the last remaining Forest Defender camps at Fairy Creek, officially closed down yesterday. In the end, it was severe weather rather than police actions that brought this about.

An unknown number of Indigenous folks remain at a nearby watch camp.

Continue reading Fairy Creek: Roadside camp closes down; Elder Bill Jones given environmental award

Update From Fairy Creek: interview with Kathleen Code

[Kathleen Code is is a spokesperson for the Rainforest Flying Squad and other land defenders attempting to protect old growth areas at Fairy Creek. She founded the legal team, and is also a member of their media team. Since joining the effort in August, 2020, she’s worked closely with elder Bill Jones to understand the situation of the Pacheedaht First Nation, in particular their interactions with industrial forest company Teal Jones and the NDP government. I interviewed Kathy on December 3rd 2021, asking her for an update to round out the “Cortes At Fairy Creek” story. This is a lightly edited transcript of that interview.]

Continue reading Update From Fairy Creek: interview with Kathleen Code

The RCMP returned to Fairy Creek

The RCMP returned to Fairy Creek last Friday, October 16. A post on the Fairy Creek Blockade Facebook page states 7 cars drove up, and 15 officers wearing blue standard-issue rain gear walked into the Forest Defender Headquarters.

Continue reading The RCMP returned to Fairy Creek

A message of truth and reconciliation from Fairy Creek

Editor’s note: The opinions expressed in this broadcast belong to the people stating them and are not necessarily shared by Cortes Radio, its board, staff, producers or listening audience.  

The direct action to protect what some call the last intact old growth ecosystem in southern Vancouver Island, at Fairy Creek, began 420 days ago.  Now the RCMP have left and a couple of Truth and Reconciliation Day messages have been sent from Fairy Creek: 

Continue reading A message of truth and reconciliation from Fairy Creek