Tag Archives: Bird feeders

Cortesians rescue Red-tailed Hawk, forge relationship with MARS

An injured Red-Tailed Hawk was recovered and recently released by a local wildlife advocate. 

Cortes Currents reached Autumn Barrett-Morgan at home, by zoom, for the story. 

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Coexisting in Black Bear country

“This is black bear country. It has always been black bear country. Northern Cortes Island is likely where most of the bears live. Black bears can travel very far in one day and they are good swimmers. They do travel from island to island and there are likely year-round bears here. In the fall of 2019, there was a bear sighted at Blue Jay Lake. Then in April 2020, there was a black bear around Green Mountain. Since then, we’ve had conflicts with two bears: one in Whaletown and one in Squirrel Cove,” said Autumn Barrett-Morgan, a volunteer co-ordinator with the Friends of Cortes Island’s wildlife COEXistence program.

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The Squirrel Cove Bear

Curt Cunningham first encountered the Squirrel Cove Bear while it was still a cub. Not knowing where the creature’s mother was, Cunningham took refuge inside the Cove Restaurant. No mother bear appeared and the cub disappeared into the woods. That was a year or more ago. 

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