Tag Archives: Cleo Corbett

Opposition to Affordable Housing at 580 Dogwood Street

While this year’s count was cancelled because of the pandemic, the Campbell River and District Coalition to End Homelessness (the Coalition) estimate the city’s unhoused population is currently more than a hundred. Most cite high rents as the principle barrier to their finding permanent accommodation. BC Housing is proposing to fund the build and operations of a 50 unit supported housing building at 580 Dogwood street. This sparked neighbourhood resistance and, at this point, 1,424 people have signed a Change.org petition against the project.

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Campbell River’s Bridge To Housing For The Homeless

When the last count was taken, two years ago, there were at least 81 homeless people in Campbell River. After COVID hit, the homeless population was identified as one of the most vulnerable sectors of the community in the province. On July 16, the Campbell River Coalition to End Homelessness hosted a ZOOM meeting to discuss the former Rose Bowl restaurant’s role as a Bridge to housing.

Continue reading Campbell River’s Bridge To Housing For The Homeless